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1、Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb: He _______ (go) to the gym every day. 2、Complete the sentence with the correct preposition: The cat is sitting _______ the mat.

1、Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb: He _______ (go) to the gym every day.

2、Complete the sentence with the correct preposition: The cat is sitting _______ the mat.

3、Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence: She has _______ hair. (long / tall / short)

4、Circle the correct noun in brackets: My favorite subject is (math / history).

5、Transform the sentence into the present continuous tense: They play football on Sundays.

6、Identify the subject in the sentence: Is your brother studying?

7、Use the correct possessive pronoun: that is _______ (my / me / mine) pen.

8、Write the plural form of the noun: tooth _______

9、Match the correct adverb with the verb: She sings _______ (loud / quietly / beautiful).

10、Complete the sentence with a suitable preposition: She is looking _______ her book.

11、Write the superlative form of the adjective: happy _______

12、Change the sentence to the past simple tense: I am going to the movies tonight.

13、Use the correct form of 'to be': You _______ (am / is / are) tall.

14、Identify the object in the sentence: She gave him a present.

15、Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun: _______ (She / Her / Hers) is a good student.

16、Transform the sentence into a question: They are playing basketball.

17、Complete the sentence with the correct preposition: The cat jumps _______ the table.

18、Write the comparative form of the adjective: big _______

19、Match the correct adjective with the noun: a _______ cat (grey / fast / noisy)

20、Choose the correct conjunction to join the sentences: I like apples. I don't like oranges.


1、goes - 因为句子中使用了every day,表示经常发生的动作,所以动词要用第三人称单数形式。

2、on - 在垫子上的正确介词是on。

3、long - 形容词long用来描述名词hair的长度。

4、history - 根据句子意思,应该选择名词history作为答案。

5、They are playing football on Sundays. - 现在进行时态的构成是“be动词+现在分词”。

6、Your brother - 句子中的主语是Your brother,因为他是执行动作的人。

7、mine - 拥有格代词mine用于指代某人的东西,而不用加冠词。

8、teeth - tooth的复数形式是teeth。

9、loudly - 副词loudly用来修饰动词sings。

10、for - 固定搭配look for表示“寻找”。

11、happiest - 形容词happy的最高级形式是happiest。

12、I went to the movies last night. - 过去简单时态的构成是“过去式动词+其他”。

13、are - 主语you是复数,所以be动词要用are。

14、a present - 句子中的宾语是a present,因为它是被给予的对象。

15、She - 主格代词She用作句子的主语。

16、Are they playing basketball? - 将陈述句转换为疑问句时,需要将助动词提前。

17、off - 固定搭配jump off表示“从……上跳下来”。

18、bigger - 形容词big的比较级是bigger。

19、grey - 形容词grey用来描述名词cat的颜色。

20、But - 句子之间表示转折关系,所以使用连词but。

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