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朗读亭引民众一“读”为快 愿每个人都遇见更好的自己

导读:最近经常有人从一个小亭子里进进出出。这个有着复古风格的小亭子,正是央视《朗读者》栏目组设置的朗读亭,不论你是谁,只要你愿意,都可以在亭子里待上几分钟,朗诵点儿什么。你去过了吗?A three-meter-tall reading pavilion has


朗读亭引民众一“读”为快 愿每个人都遇见更好的自己

A three-meter-tall reading pavilion has become the most- frequented place for youngsters across major cities in China. People line up long queues for a unique experience inside the pavilion in spite of hot sun or rain.


The pavilions have been frequently found in more places across the country after first appearing in Beijing, and were initially inspired by the new CCTV program, “Readers,” which premiered in February.


But what’s so amazing about the little room inside the pavilion?


Aimed at inviting more people to showcase their talent in reading beautiful literature with compelling stories of everyday lives, citizens can record themselves reading on an audio device and each person is allowed to read into the microphone for three minutes. The best readers will have a chance to appear on the CCTV program.


Many people from different age groups and professional backgrounds were seen queued up for hours just to read their favorite literature, with some of them stopping by even before it opened. Seniors and the disabled were given priority.


The peak time in Shanghai is said to be as long as nine hours. And the opening hours were even extended for another three on Sunday because of the unexpected crowds.


Zhou Deming, the associate librarian of Shanghai Library, wished the atmosphere could last longer and said, “the TV program will be over one day, but the joyfulness and inspiration of reading will always to be continued in people’s daily lives.”


Many appealing lines and poems among China’s literature were brought up by these book-lovers, including "Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again" by Xu Zhimo, "A Blooming Tree" by Xi Murong and "For the Future of You" by Yu Guangzhong.“It’s totally okay if it doesn’t make me step on to the stage of CCTV,” said a citizen in line. “I’m here just to read.”


“Reading is an ability that’s rooted deeply in the heart of everyone,” said Wang Qunze, professor and doctorial supervisor in East China normal University. “Such a TV program, along with its offline activity, has awakened people’s hidden passion in pursuit of culture.”


The reading pavilion has now moved on to its fourth leg in Xi’an, capital of northwest China’s Shaani Province, which is said to last about half a month for locals to walk in. Permanent pavilions ?are also under consideration, according to the production team.


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