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导读:二奶杀手张玉芬帮助原配手撕家庭破坏者,收集通奸证据,安抚原配的伤痛。A woman who was accused of having an affair with a married man is beaten up by the mans wife in a street in Zhengzhou, Henan Province in July 1



A woman who was accused of having an affair with a married man is beaten up by the man’s wife in a street in Zhengzhou, Henan Province in July 12。


A woman known as the "mistress killer" has helped women to investigate their cheating husbands and beat up their mistresses since the 1990s. Over the past decade, she has worked on thousands of cases and believes that beating mistress can cure a scorned wife’s illnesses.


If one day your partner tells you they have been seeing someone else and want a divorce, what will you do? Agree to a peaceful breakup or make a scene? Zhang Yufen and her co-conspirators choose a third way: enacting violent revenge on the mistresses of cheating husbands.


Zhang’s husband used to be the driver of a senior official at a district tax bureau in Xi’an. After he was moved to the business section, many people tried to bribe him, including offering him sex. He was often taken to karaoke lounges, and often prostitutes were present.


One day, he came home and told Zhang that he was seeing someone else and wanted a divorce.


This was a huge blow to Zhang. "I curled up on the couch for a week [after my husband’s announcement]. When I finally went out, my hair had become gray and people said I looked as if I’d lost more than 10 kilograms," said Zhang.


After a week of thinking, Zhang decided to take her revenge. She then began to track her husband after he left his office. In half a month’s time, she managed to find the place where he and his mistress lived.


Zhang’s husband moved after he found out he had been exposed. The two then fell into an infinite loop of stalking and fleeing.


In the media, Zhang is well-known as the "mistress killer." After finding out her husband was cheating on her in the 1990s, she harassed his mistress. In the past decade, she has helped thousands of women investigate their husbands and collect evidence of their adultery for a divorce suit. She has also led them to physically beat the mistresses.


Zhang, a native of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, is now in her late 50s. Two years ago, she moved to Beijing and rented a yard she calls "Moon Bay." There she shelters women who have nowhere else to go because their husband has kicked them out in order to move his mistress into the family home.


She said she wants to "chop off the mistresses’ head with a sword," like "chopping off Japanese devils’ heads with a sword.


Zhang’s experiences are linked to the country’s increasing divorce rate and the growing prevalence of adultery that followed China’s economic boom in the 1990s.


In 2015, more than 3.84 million couples got divorced and in 2014, this figure was 3.64 million, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.


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