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愤怒!中国“被弄残”儿童被送至马来西亚行乞 驻马大使馆已介入

导读:人口贩卖问题由来已久。而这些犯罪分子的手段也是令人发指,这也在敦促有关各方采取更为严厉的打击力度。The Chinese consulate in Malaysia said on Oct. 18 that it has been working to end the transnational human trafficking


愤怒!中国“被弄残”儿童被送至马来西亚行乞 驻马大使馆已介入

The Chinese consulate in Malaysia said on Oct. 18 that it has been working to end the transnational human trafficking recently reported on by Malaysian media. according to local media reports, the criminals first cripple and disfigure the trafficked children, and then force them to beg at popular Malaysian tourism sites after years of captivity.


This is precisely what happened to 33-year-old Xiu Yuan, who said he was abducted and then crippled as a child. According to Xiu, only beggars who earn the trust of the criminal gang leader are permitted to go out and beg in foreign countries, and there are many people controlled by the gang back in China. The leader takes 60 percent of everyone’s daily income.


On Oct. 18, the Chinese consulate in Malaysia confirmed the reports by local media and said it has been investigating the case. A consulate employee told Beijing Youth Daily that Chinese child beggars have long been an issue in Malaysia, though the consulate has taken measures against the phenomenon. While some criminal gangs have been dismantled, new ones are constantly emerging.


The case will be dealt with primarily by local police, and the Chinese consulate will spare no efforts to help trafficked children, the employee added.


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