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微软、谷歌利用苹果造势, 吸引眼球

导读:谷歌和微软在这个月利用苹果最广为人知的服务漏洞在电视和YouTube上为自己的产品服务宣传造势。Apple is getting picked on by two of its biggest competitors.苹果这次被他最大的两个竞争对手摆了一道。Google and Microsoft used


微软、谷歌利用苹果造势, 吸引眼球

Apple is getting picked on by two of its biggest competitors.


Google and Microsoft used some of Apple ’s well-known user pain points to promote their own services in two separate TV and YouTube ads this month.


On Tuesday, Microsoft went after Apple by pitting its new surface Pro 4 tablet and Cortana smart assistant against the iPad Pro and Siri.

这周二,微软公司研发了全新的Surface Pro 4 平板电脑和Cortana 智能服务来对抗苹果的iPad Pro和Siri系统。

Microsoft’s new ad shows the iPad and Siri throwing a party for "getting a keyboard."


I’m a computer now, like you, Siri says to Cortana.

“现在也是电脑啦,就像你一样,” Siri 对Cortana说。

So you have more power, like an Intel Core processor? Cortana responds.


Like I said, I just got a keyboard, says Siri.


Microsoft then makes Cortana list out several other features of the Surface Pro 4, which leads Siri to concede, "Maybe this party wasn’t such a good idea."

而后广告中的Cortana把Surface Pro 4 的其他性能列了一个表给Siri,最后Siri承认到:“好吧,也许这个派对开得没什么意义。”

Microsoft and Apple have a history of going after each other through marketing campaigns: For years, Apple ran a series of anti-PC commercials starring Justin Long and John Hodgman. And this year, Microsoft has been pushing its "PCs can do more than Macs" message in commercials.

微软和苹果在营销活动中上演你追我赶的戏码已经有一段历史了。之前是苹果邀请演员贾斯汀·隆和约翰·霍奇曼出演了一系列 “反PC” 商业大片。而今年微软将“PC比Macs更高能”的信息植入到新的一轮造势宣传中。

Google took the first -- and a more gentle -- stab at the Apple in the beginning of August with a 60-second spot about its Google Photos app.

谷歌在8月初关于Google Photos app 的60秒广告中就率先以委婉的方式向苹果挑起了“战争”。

To show off its photos backup service, Google’s commercial includes several scenes of smartphone users about to capture a Kodak moment. As they’re about to take a picture -- when a birthday girl starts to blow out her candles and a humpback whale jumps out of the water -- a pop-up appears to stop them: "Storage Full. There is no more room on your phone.”


While the design and message resemble what iPhone users see, it’s not exactly the same. Even so, it’s clear Google is highlighting the iPhone’s limited storage problem that it hopes to solve.


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