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乌克兰总统宣布为飞机被击落事件遇难者默哀一天Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has declared a day of mourning for the victims of an attack by pro-Russian separatists, who shot down an army transport plane in east Ukrai


Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko has declared a day of mourning for the victims of an attack by pro-Russian separatists, who shot down an army transport plane in east Ukraine. 49 servicemen were killed. And Poroshenko has also promised what he calls an "adequate" response. 


Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has declared a day of mourning for the victims of an attack by pro-Russian separatists, who shot down an army transport plane in east Ukraine.

"I have announced a day of mourning. And I would like to talk about those who are responsible for massive losses among Ukrainian soldiers." Petro Poroshenko said.

President Poroshenko summoned his defense and security chiefs for consultations after Saturday’s incident. He said the shooting down was a terrorist attack. Nine crew and 40 troops were killed when the aircraft was hit, as it approached the airport at the eastern city of Luhansk. 

The toll is the highest suffered by government forces in a single incident since the conflict in Ukraine began. The Defense Ministry says the rebels used anti-aircraft guns and a heavy machine gun to down the plane, and further investigation is under way.


Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has declared a day of mourning for the victims of an attack by pro-Russian separatists, who shot down an army transport plane in east Ukraine.


Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has declared a day of mourning for the victims of an attack by pro-Russian separatists, who shot down an army transport plane in east Ukraine.

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