又一起!《东区人》美女明星Jacqueline Jossa度假别墅遭洗劫,现在抢劫这么猖狂的吗?

杰奎琳·乔萨(Jacqueline Jossa)的豪华度假别墅竟成了惊悚片现场,一场惊心动魄的抢劫让她的梦幻假期秒变噩梦!这消息一出,网友们都炸了锅,直呼“安全度假,防身立命”啊!据报道,这位《东区人》的美女明星直接损失了20K大洋的珠宝,连老公Dan Osborne送的订婚戒指都惨遭

杰奎琳·乔萨(Jacqueline Jossa)的豪华度假别墅竟成了惊悚片现场,一场惊心动魄的抢劫让她的梦幻假期秒变噩梦!这消息一出,网友们都炸了锅,直呼“安全度假,防身立命”啊!

据报道,这位《东区人》的美女明星直接损失了20K大洋的珠宝,连老公Dan Osborne送的订婚戒指都惨遭毒手,话说,现在入室抢劫真的这么猖狂的吗?


Jacqueline Jossa's holiday villa was reportedly ransacked in a terrifying robbery.

据报道,Jacqueline Jossa的度假别墅在一次可怕的抢劫中被洗劫一空。

The EastEnders star is thought to have lost £20,000 worth of jewellery, including her engagement ring gifted by her husband of seven years Dan Osborne.

这位《东区人》女星据信丢失了价值2万英镑的珠宝,包括她丈夫、结婚七年的Dan Osborne送给她的订婚戒指。

Cash, designer clothes and electrical goods were also nabbed in the lavish home raid.


According to reports, the couple woke up to find two masked raiders shining torches in rooms during the early hours of Sunday.


They were enjoying a family getaway in Marbella with their two daughters Ella, nine, and Mia, five, and Dan's son Teddy, eight.


"Jacqueline and Dan are really shaken. She raised the alarm after seeing a torch and was faced with two men in balaclavas," a source told The Sun.


"Both men fled after they saw her. It is terrifying to think what could have happened if the kids had woken and seen the men in their bedroom. Jacqueline and Dan feel lucky it wasn't worse."


Police in Spain are reportedly looking into the raid, and Jacqueline has remained silent on her social media.


The Mirror recently shared pictures of the family's two-week-long getaway, with the group spotted enjoying some downtime on the beach last week.


Detailing the robbery, a friend told The Sun: “The villa has good security and Jacqueline and Dan have got CCTV.


They think it took about ten minutes for the burglars to break in. It’s possible the men were in the property for 15 minutes. Jacqueline said it was totally silent. It was only when a flash of a torch woke her up did they realise something had happened.


"After going through everything they realised the raiders stole £20,000 of belongings, including Jacqueline’s engagement ring and some of her handbags. They even took cash from one of the kids’ backpacks.


It’s disgusting. Jacqueline and Dan have kept calm and put on brave faces for the kids’ sake. They’ve not told them what happened.



Jacqueline Jossa在奢华别墅经历的的惊魂抢劫,直接给明星们的安全度假狠狠敲了一记警钟!

无独有偶,就在前几天,电台小王子Nick Grimshaw在西班牙伊维萨岛享受阳光海滩的时候,也差点儿成了“惊喜”的受害者,同样遭遇了骇人听闻的别墅入侵事件。

A terrifying gang of thieves broke into TV presenter Nick Grimshaw’s villa in Ibiza while he and loved ones were inside.

一群可怕的窃贼闯入了电视节目主持人尼克·格里姆肖(Nick Grimshaw)在伊维萨岛的别墅,当时他和亲人正在别墅内。

The raiders, who were in hazmat suits, are believed to pump gas into properties to sedate the occupants to make burglaries easier.


Nick is understood to have been staying at the villa with family, including his mum Eileen, 81, when the place was ransacked. Nick, who shot to fame as a DJ on Radio 1, was in Ibiza celebrating his 40th birthday at the time of the raid two weeks ago.

据了解,当时尼克正与他的家人,包括他81岁的母亲艾琳(Eileen)一同住在别墅中,而该别墅随后被洗劫一空。尼克因在Radio 1担任DJ而声名鹊起,两周前在伊维萨岛庆祝自己40岁生日时遭遇了这次抢劫。

A source close to the star told the Mirror : “It was naturally a huge shock at the time, but they are back in the UK now and fine. No one was hurt.”


The gang reportedly wait for the gas to take effect before raiding villas on the Spanish island. Nick and his loved ones were asleep at the time so it is not known if they were victims of a gassing, but this is the tactic said to be used by the raiders suspected of the burglary.


Detectives have been handed CCTV images of the thieves. The gang are believed to have been targeting wealthy holidaymakers’ villas since last year.


Nick, who is known to fans as Grimmy, was spotted during his Ibiza holiday enjoying a night out with model fiancé Mesh Henry, 27.

尼克以“格里米”(Grimmy)之名被粉丝所熟知,有人看到他在伊维萨岛度假期间与27岁的模特未婚妻梅什·亨利(Mesh Henry)共度了一个愉快的夜晚。


holiday villa 度假别墅

ransack 洗劫;(为找东西)把…翻腾得乱七八糟

terrifying robbery 恐怖的抢劫

designer clothes 名牌服装

hazmat suit 防护服

sedate 给…服镇静剂

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又一起!《东区人》美女明星Jacqueline Jossa度假别墅遭洗劫,现在抢劫这么猖狂的吗?



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