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皇家流浪猫紫禁城闲逛A cat wanders around anoffice at Forbidden City inBeijing,Jan 20, 2014. The cats areseldom seen in visitors' areas, butaccording to Ma Guoqing, who worksat Forbidden City, cats have beenliving inside



A cat wanders around an office at Forbidden City in Beijing, Jan 20, 2014. The cats are seldom seen in visitors' areas, but according to Ma Guoqing, who works at Forbidden City, cats have been living inside the palace since ancient times, and some of the cats there now are direct descendents of the original palace cats. Some others are strays, but they are taken good care of at Forbidden City. They can also help control the rat population. [Photo/icpress.cn]


Cats rest in the sun at Forbidden City, Jan 20, 2014. The cats are seldom seen in visitors' areas, but according to Ma Guoqing, who works at Forbidden City, cats have been living inside the palace since ancient times, and some of the cats there now are direct descendents of the original palace cats. Some others are strays, but they are taken good care of at Forbidden City. They can also help control the rat population. [Photo/icpress.cn]

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