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昆明救人小伙遗体找到 轻生女向他母跪地道歉

昆明救人小伙遗体找到 轻生女向他母跪地道歉24岁女子李某跳入盘龙江中自杀,22岁男子王加勇紧随其后跳入江中救人。王加勇跳入江中抓住李某,坚持了12分钟,并将她拖上了岸,但是王某自己却没能上岸。周四上午,救人小伙遗体在10公里以外

昆明救人小伙遗体找到 轻生女向他母跪地道歉


A rescuer lost his life on Monday while trying to save a young woman who tried to  commit suicide in Kunming, Yunnan Province, causing her to kneel in front of the rescuer's family.

昆明救人小伙遗体找到 轻生女向他母跪地道歉

Panlong River side. / Photo via Chuncheng Evening Post

The 24-year-old woman surnamed Li attempted to commit suicide by throwing herself into the Panlong River. Wang Jiayong, 22,  followed close behind to try to rescue her.‍

Wang jumped into the water and grabbed Li for about 12 minutes until she was dragged ashore. But Wang himself was left in the water, and drowned after being unable to be pulled to the shore.

Wang’s body was recovered Thursday morning about ten kilometers from downstream.

Li was spotted kneeling down in front of Wang’s devastated mom in deep regret and sorrow.

昆明救人小伙遗体找到 轻生女向他母跪地道歉

Police and passengers mourn for the kind-hearted young man by Panlong River. / Photo Via Chuncheng Evening Post

昆明救人小伙遗体找到 轻生女向他母跪地道歉

Rescuers recover Wang's body from Panlong River. / Photo via Chuncheng Evening Post

Wang was from southwest China’s Guizhou Province, and settled in Yunnan to earn a living. according to his family, the thoughtful young man had been working hard to support his mom and grandma after his father died.

昆明救人小伙遗体找到 轻生女向他母跪地道歉

Rescuers recover Wang's body from Panlong River. / Photo via Chuncheng Evening Post‍

Kunming authorities have promised to name Wang one of the Righteous and Courageous, a title that could help grant the family possible compensation to leverage the burden left to the Wang’s family. Li was also reportedly attending to her rescuer’s family ever since the incident.

昆明救人小伙遗体找到 轻生女向他母跪地道歉

Li (R) apologizes to Wang's mom (2nd R) and  grandma (2nd L) on her father (L)'s watch. / Photo via Chuncheng Evening Post

China’s Ministry of Public security on March 14 released draft rules on the reward and Social Security to the Righteous and Courageous, asking the public to know and to remodel policies so that good Samaritans who offer helping hands can receive what they deserve.

(With input from Chuncheng Evening Post)

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