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Dear Lucy,

I'm writing to invite you to join us in visiting the nursing home on the Double Ninth Festival. We'll depart at 8:00 am and return around 4:00 pm. We'll engage with the residents through activities like making dumplings and performing traditional programs. Your presence would bring a unique international perspective to our celebration. Your ability to communicate in English and share insights from Western culture would greatly enrich the experience for everyone. It's a wonderful opportunity for cross-cultural exchange and mutual understanding. We hope you can join us and make this a truly memorable day.

Looking forward to your positive response.

Best regards,

Li Hua







Subject: invitation to Accompany Us to the Nursing Home on the Double Ninth Festival

Dear Lucy,

I hope this email finds you in good spirits. I am writing to invite you to join my classmates and me on a trip to the nursing home on the upcoming Double Ninth Festival. It's a special day dedicated to honoring the elderly, and we believe your presence would enhance the experience for all.

We plan to depart at 8:00 am and return by 4:00 pm. During our visit, we intend to engage with the residents through various activities. One highlight will be making traditional Chinese dumplings, a symbol of unity and warmth. Additionally, we've prepared a small performance, including singing, dancing, and possibly some short sketches. Your participation, especially with your unique cultural insights, would greatly enrich the program.

Your ability to connect with people and share stories from different cultures would be a great asset to our group. It's a wonderful opportunity for cross-cultural understanding and friendship. We are excited about this opportunity and hope you can join us.

Please let me know if you are able to make it. We look forward to your reply and a memorable day together.

Best regards,

Li Hua








The chart illustrates the trend of smartphone ownership over a five-year period. Evidently, there has been a steady increase in the number of smartphone users, rising from 30% in 2018 to a remarkable 70% in 2023. This significant growth can be attributed to the rising popularity of smartphones, coupled with their increasing affordability and accessibility. The widespread availability of high-speed internet has also contributed to this trend, enabling users to enjoy seamless online experiences. This trend suggests that smartphones have become an integral part of people's daily lives, and their importance is likely to continue to grow in the future.



The bar chart compares the average daily screen time of students in three different age groups. Notably, as the age of the students increases, so does their screen time. Junior high school students spend an average of two hours per day on screens, while high school students average three hours. Alarmingly, college students spend an average of four hours each day engaged with screens. This trend highlights the increasing dependency on digital devices among younger generations. It is crucial to raise awareness about the potential negative impacts of excessive screen time, such as eye strain and reduced physical activity, and encourage balanced screen use.



As a student of Mingqi High School, I am thrilled to participate in our English Festival's exhibition themed "Happy Childhood." My contribution is a teddy bear, a soft and cuddly companion from my early years. This bear, with its brown fur and button eyes, embodies the innocence and joy of childhood.

I chose this teddy bear because it represents a precious memory of my happy childhood. It was a gift from my grandparents on my fifth birthday, and ever since then, it has been my constant companion. It reminds me of the simple pleasures of playing, dreaming, and laughing heartily. By exhibiting it, I hope to share a glimpse of my joyful childhood with my classmates and visitors, evoking similar warm memories in them.




Dear Organizers,

I am writing to express my keen interest in participating in the Chinese Workshop, aimed at promoting Sino-British cultural exchange. This event is a brilliant opportunity to showcase the richness of Chinese culture through cuisine, handicrafts, and calligraphy.

I am particularly eager to teach Chinese knotting, a traditional handicraft that embodies elegance and wisdom. Knotting not only demonstrates intricate craftsmanship but also carries profound cultural meanings. By teaching this skill, I hope to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture among our peers.

I believe this workshop will greatly enhance cross-cultural understanding and friendship between China and the UK. I am eager to contribute to this meaningful initiative and share the beauty of Chinese culture with everyone.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to being a part of this enriching experience.










Dear Staff,

I am Li Hua, a Chinese panda enthusiast. I’ve been following Su Lin and her mother Baiyun’s journey since Su Lin’s birth in San Diego Zoo three years ago.

As Su Lin’s third birthday is approaching, I want to express my heartfelt congratulations and gratitude for your exceptional care of these precious pandas. Your dedication ensures their well-being and brings us joy.

To commemorate this special occasion, I kindly request a photo of Su Lin on her birthday. It would mean a lot to me as a panda lover.

Thank you for your continuous efforts in conserving these endangered animals. Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Li Hua










Dear Peter,

I'm glad to share some tips on learning Chinese. Firstly, joining a Chinese learning class can provide you with a structured and systematic approach. Secondly, reading Chinese books and magazines, as well as watching Chinese TV programs, can help you improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills. Additionally, learning to sing Chinese songs is a fun way to practice pronunciation and intonation. Finally, making Chinese friends is an excellent way to immerse yourself in the language and culture, and they can offer you authentic language practice opportunities. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate to immerse yourself in the language and culture as much as possible. I'm sure you'll make great progress in learning Chinese.

Best regards,

Li Hua







Dear Friend,

I'm thrilled to share with you the renovated Qianmen Street in Beijing. This 800-meter-long thoroughfare, with a history spanning over 600 years, now boasts over 300 shops.

Located south of Tiananmen Square, Qianmen Street is conveniently accessible via buses 17, 69, 59, and the subway line 2. As a pedestrian street, it offers a unique blend of old and new, highlighted by its trolley cars, traditional teahouses, and theaters.

You'll find a variety of traditional crafts, souvenirs, and local delicacies here. A visit to Qianmen Street is a must for any traveler to Beijing, offering a glimpse into the city's rich cultural heritage.

I look forward to your arrival and hope you'll enjoy this charming street as much as I do.

Best regards,

Li Hua










Dear Ms. Smith,

I am Li Hua, the Chairman of the Student Union from Yucai Middle School. I am writing to invite you to serve as a judge at our upcoming English speech contest.

The theme of the contest is "Man and Nature," which aims to encourage our students to reflect on the relationship between humanity and the natural world. It will be held on June 15th, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, in our classroom 501. Ten students from our school will participate in the competition, each delivering a speech on the given topic.

We believe that your expertise and experience as a foreign teacher would greatly enrich the judging process and provide valuable feedback to our students. Your presence would also be a great encouragement to them.

We sincerely welcome you to join us on this special day and look forward to your participation. If you are able to attend, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you for considering our invitation.

Best regards,

Li Hua











Dear Jane,

I hope this email finds you in good spirits. It’s with great pleasure that I invite you to our farewell party on Saturday.

Congratulations on successfully completing your Chinese studies here! Your progress has been truly impressive, and we are all proud of your achievement. Thank you also for helping us improve our English. Your guidance and support have been invaluable.

The party will be held at 6 pm at The Sun Club, Room 302. To get there, simply take the 332 bus from your hotel. We’ve prepared a small celebration with music, food, and memories to share.

Looking forward to seeing you there and bidding you a fond farewell.

Best wishes,

Li Hua










Subject: Farewell Bash Invitation

Dear Jane,

I’m thrilled to invite you to our farewell bash, marking your return to the States after a fruitful stay in China.

Your success in passing the exam is a testament to your hard work. We admire your dedication and progress in learning Chinese. Thank you for also assisting us in our English learning journey.

The bash is set for Saturday at 6 pm at The Sun Club, Room 302. It’s easily accessible from your hotel via the 332 bus. We’ve planned a fun evening with games, music, and delicious food.

Looking forward to celebrating your achievements and bidding you a heartfelt farewell.

Best regards,

Li Hua










Dear Mom and Dad,

As I sit in the exam hall, I can't help but think of your loving support over the years, especially during this crucial year of senior high. Your meticulous care and encouragement have been my greatest strength.

I've been studying diligently, making steady progress. The recent college entrance exam has been smooth, and I believe I've done my best. Please rest assured that I've given it my all.

After the exam, I look forward to helping with household chores and cooking a meal for you. It's my way of saying thank you for all you've done. Your love and dedication mean the world to me.

Thank you, Mom and Dad. I love you.








Dear Mom and Dad,

Sitting in the exam hall, my heart is filled with gratitude for your unwavering support throughout my high school journey, especially this final year. Your unending care and encouragement have been my beacon of hope.

I've been working hard, striving for improvement, and I'm pleased to report that the college entrance exam has been smooth sailing. I've given it my all, and I hope you can rest easy knowing that I've done my best.

Post-exam, I plan to assist with household chores and prepare a meal for you both. It's a small token of appreciation for all the love and sacrifice you've shown me. Your love has been my greatest motivation.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for everything.

Li Hua








The chart illustrates the trend of smartphone ownership over a five-year period. Evidently, there has been a steady increase in the number of smartphone users, rising from 30% in 2018 to a remarkable 70% in 2023. This significant growth can be attributed to the rising popularity of smartphones, coupled with their increasing affordability and accessibility. The widespread availability of high-speed internet has also contributed to this trend, enabling users to enjoy seamless online experiences. This trend suggests that smartphones have become an integral part of people's daily lives, and their importance is likely to continue to grow in the future.



The bar chart compares the average daily screen time of students in three different age groups. Notably, as the age of the students increases, so does their screen time. Junior high school students spend an average of two hours per day on screens, while high school students average three hours. Alarmingly, college students spend an average of four hours each day engaged with screens. This trend highlights the increasing dependency on digital devices among younger generations. It is crucial to raise awareness about the potential negative impacts of excessive screen time, such as eye strain and reduced physical activity, and encourage balanced screen use.



The imperial examination system, which was implemented in China for over a thousand years, has had a profound impact on Chinese society and culture. It was a meritocratic system that allowed individuals from all social classes to take an examination to obtain a position in the government.

One of the main impacts of the imperial examination system was that it created a culture of examination-oriented education. This meant that people focused on studying for the examination rather than gaining practical knowledge and skills. This focus on examination preparation led to a emphasis on memorization and rote learning, which still exists in some parts of Chinese society today.

Another impact of the imperial examination system was that it created a sense of equality among the people. Since anyone who passed the examination could obtain a position in the government, there was a belief that everyone had an equal chance of success, regardless of their social background. This belief in equality still exists in Chinese society today and is one of the reasons why China has such a strong emphasis on education.

However, the imperial examination system also had its drawbacks. It led to a emphasis on theoretical knowledge over practical skills, which meant that many scholars were unable to apply their knowledge to practical problems. It also led to a lack of diversity in the government, as individuals from different backgrounds were not represented proportionally.

In conclusion, the imperial examination system has had a profound impact on Chinese society and culture. It has influenced the way that people view education and success, and has created a culture of examination-oriented education that still exists today. However, it also had its drawbacks, such as a emphasis on theoretical knowledge over practical skills and a lack of diversity in the government.






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