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Hundreds of people in the UK infected with contaminated blood and relatives of those infected are going ahead with plans to sue the health secretary for damages, having been left dissatisfied with the government's announcement on compensation.英国数百

Hundreds of people in the UK infected with contaminated blood and relatives of those infected are going ahead with plans to sue the health secretary for damages, having been left dissatisfied with the government's announcement on compensation.

英国数百名受污染血液感染的民众及其家属计划起诉卫生大臣要求赔偿, 因为他们对政府公布的赔偿方案感到不满。

A group claim by about 500 people against the government alleging it breached a duty to take reasonable care to prevent personal injury or loss, amounting to misfeasance in public office, began in 2017 but was paused pending the inquiry into the scandal, which published its final report on Monday.

大约500人组成的团体在2017年对政府提起诉讼,指控政府未能履行保障公众安全的职责,导致人身伤害或损失,这构成了公职人员的渎职行为, 但该诉讼随后暂停,等待对此丑闻的调查结果, 而该调查于周一发布了最终报告。

Explaining the reason for looking to reinstate the lawsuit despite the government's announcement of a compensation framework, Des Collins, of Collins Solicitors, said: "The reason we've done that is we started the week off on a high with the Sir Brian Langstaff report saying pretty much everything we've said for seven years.

德斯·柯林斯,来自柯林斯律师事务所,在解释为何尽管政府已经宣布了赔偿框架, 他们仍决定恢复诉讼时表示: “我们决定恢复诉讼的原因是,本周初公布的布莱恩·朗斯塔夫爵士的报告在很大程度上肯定了我们在过去七年里一直强调的观点。”

"Then we went on to Rishi Sunak and his abject apology in the House of Commons on Monday afternoon, the announcement of a compensation framework on Tuesday, but it wasn't until we got the first draft of paperwork on that compensation recovery programme that we realised that there are holes and gaps in it." He said the headline figures for the government scheme, which suggested that some people could get more than 2.5 million pounds in compensation, were not all that they seemed and that his clients felt "bounced into settlement".

“随后,我们等到了里希·苏纳克周一下午在英国下议院发表的道歉, 以及周二宣布的赔偿框架。 但是,直到我们收到该赔偿追回计划的第一份草案时,我们才意识到其中存在漏洞和缺陷。” 他表示,政府计划的主要赔偿,即一些人可能获得超过250万英镑的赔偿, 并非看起来那么简单,血污染丑闻受害者觉得“被迫接受了和解”。

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