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A comic titled "Get out, Mr. Tumour" recently became popular thanks to the optimism of its author - Xiong Dun, who recorded her fight against lymph cancer. On the 16th of this month, Xiang finally lost her last battle and passed away, to the great sorrow of her fans.

Cute, chubby little girl fighting against big bad Mr. tumour. This is the main storyline of the comic "Get out, Mr. Tumour". The story is actually a diary of its author, Xiong Dun, who’s real name is Xiang Yao - a 30-year-old female cartoonist.

Xiang Yao, Cartoonist, said, "This tumour is an evil alien, it comes from the Tumour Planet. Get out!!! Get out now!!!"

After she was diagnosed with lymph cancer in Aug. 2011, she began updating her comic with the progress of her treatment. But she did so with optimism and humor.

Get out! Mr. Tumour!

The comic can be read page by page on various websites on the internet. On these sites, when reaching the last page and clicking "next", you will be told that the comic is still to be continued. The sad truth is it will never be updated again. On the 16th of this month, the author, who is also the main character of the comic, passed away.

A great number of people were present at her funeral. They gave their condolences to the girl who worried publicly in her comic that her future husband would think she had gotten breast surgery when seeing the surgery scars on her chest.

Now the comic is published with its original name "Get out, Mr. Tumour". On the cover a chubby innocent girl looks at you, with a sentence reading: "Let me offer my smile, and chase away the darkness of this world."

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