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1. resultant /ˈrɛzʌlənt/ 必然发生的

例句:The resultant chaos from the train accident caused massive delays. 火车事故造成的必然混乱导致了大规模的延误。

2. retail /ˈriːtəl/ 零售,零卖(←→wholesale)

例句:She owns a small retail store in the city center. 她在市中心拥有一家小型的零售店。

3. retell /riˈtɛl/ 再讲,复述

例句:The student was asked to retell the story in her own words. 学生被要求用自己的话复述这个故事。

4. reunification /ˌrjuː.nɪˈfɪʃən/ 重新统一

例句:The signing of the agreement marked a significant step towards reunification. 协议的签署标志着向重新统一迈出了重要一步。

5. reunite /riˈʌnɪt/ (使)再结合,(使)重聚

例句:The family reunited for the first time in years at the holidays. 家人在多年后度假时首次重聚。

6. revert /rɪˈvɜːrt/ 恢复(原状);回到(原话题或思路);(指财产等)复归或归属于

例句:The property will revert to the original owner if not sold within five years. 如果五年内未出售,该财产将归还原所有者。

7. revolt /rɪˈvɑːlt/ 反抗,起义;使厌恶

例句:The people revolted against the oppressive regime. 人民反抗了压迫性的政权。

8. revolve /rɪˈvɑːlv/ (使)旋转

例句:The Earth revolves around the Sun. 地球围绕太阳旋转。

9. rim /rɪm/ (圆物的)边,轮缘;边界

例句:The car's tire was flat, and the rim was bent. 汽车的轮胎扁了,轮缘也变形了。

10. rotate /ˈroʊtət/ (使)旋转;(使)轮流做

例句:The farmers rotate their crops to maintain soil fertility. 农民们轮作作物以保持土壤肥力。

11. royalty /ˈruː.əl.ti/ 皇族,皇家;版税

例句:The author receives royalties for the sale of each book. 作者因每本书的销售而获得版税。

12. sabotage /ˈsæb.ə.tɑːʒ/ 阴谋破坏

例句:Sabotage is a serious offense that can lead to severe penalties. 阴谋破坏是一项严重的罪行,可能导致严厉的处罚。

13. sack /sæk/ 麻袋,袋;解雇;解雇(=dismiss);洗劫,抢掠

例句:The manager was sacked for embezzling company funds. 经理因挪用公司资金而被解雇。

14. sacred /ˈseɪ.krɛd/ 神圣的;宗教的;庄严的

例句:To the indigenous people, this mountain is a sacred place. 对土著人来说,这座山是一个神圣的地方。

15. safeguard /ˈɡær.ˌfɛd/ 保护,维护,捍卫;安全措施,安全装置

例句:The government has implemented safeguard measures to protect intellectual property. 政府已经实施了保护知识产权的安全措施。

16. salute /ˈsæl.juːt/ 敬礼,鸣礼炮;迎接,欢迎

例句:The soldiers saluted the general as he passed by. 士兵们在将军经过时敬礼。

17. sanction /ˈsæŋ.kʃən/ 批准,认可;(pl.)制裁;约束力;同意,认可

例句:The UN sanctions against North Korea have been tightened. 安理会针对朝鲜的制裁已经收紧。

18. satisfactory /ˌsætɪˈfær.ə.tɪ/ 令人满意的

例句:The teacher's satisfactory performance in the evaluation was recognized. 老师在评估中的满意表现得到了认可。

19. savage /ˈseɪ.vɪdʒ/ 野蛮的;凶恶的;野蛮人,野人;(狗等)乱咬;猛烈抨击

例句:The savage attack on the city left hundreds dead. 对城市的野蛮攻击导致数百人死亡。

20. scar /skɑːr/ 疤,疤痕;(精神上的)创伤;给…留下伤痕(或创伤)

例句:The warrior's face was marked by a prominent scar. 战士的脸上有一个明显的疤痕。

21. scent /sent/ 香味;香水;臭迹;线索;嗅到;察觉

例句:The猎人 followed the scent of the deer through the forest. 猎人跟着鹿的气味穿过森林。

22. scorn /skɔːrn/ 轻蔑,藐视

例句:She looked at him with scorn, clearly disgusted by his behavior. 她用轻蔑的眼神看着他,显然对他的行为感到厌恶。

23. scout /skaʊt/ 侦查员,侦察机(舰);搜索,侦查

例句:Scouts are trained to navigate through the forest. 侦察员被训练穿越森林。

24. scrap /skræp/ 碎片,废料;废弃,抛弃

例句:The old car was scrapped and replaced with a new one. 这辆旧车被废弃,换了一辆新的。

25. scrape /skreɪp/ 刮,擦去;(sing.)刮削声;擦伤,擦痕

例句:She had to scrape the ice off her windshield before she could drive. 她必须在开车前把风挡玻璃上的冰刮掉。

26. scratch /skætʃ/ 抓,搔,扒;抓痕;起跑线

例句:The cat scratched the furniture out of frustration. 猫因为沮丧而抓家具。

27. screw /skruː/ 螺丝(钉),螺旋;拧,拧紧

例句:He accidentally dropped the screwdriver, screwing up the repair. 他不小心掉了螺丝刀,修坏了。

28. script /skrɪpt/ 剧本,讲稿;笔迹;字母体系

例句:The actor memorized the script before the rehearsal. 演员在彩排之前记住了剧本。

29. scruple /ˈskrʌpəl/ 小心,犹豫;顾虑

例句:She has no scruples about borrowing her friend's car. 她毫不犹豫地借用了朋友的车。

30. scroll /skrəʊl/ 卷轴;滚动条

例句:He rolled up the scroll and put it away carefully. 他卷起卷轴,小心地收好。

31. scrum /skrʌm/ (橄榄球中的)紧密拼抢;(软件开发中的)scrumboard

例句:The players formed a scrum before the next play. 球员们在下一个回合前形成了紧密拼抢。

32. scuba /ˈskuː.bə/ 潜水装备;水肺潜水

例句:She enjoys exploring the coral reefs with scuba diving. 她喜欢带着潜水装备探索珊瑚礁。

33. sculpture /ˈskʌlp.tʃər/ 雕刻(品),雕塑(品)

例句:The museum is known for its extensive collection of ancient sculptures. 这个博物馆以其丰富的古代雕塑收藏而闻名。

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