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关于清明节的中国古诗 (II) Qingming Festival in ancient Chinese poems (II)

The Qingming Festival, or Tomb-Sweeping Day (清明节, qīng míng jié), is an important festival in China when people offer sacrifices to their ancestors (祭祖, jì zǔ). It falls on April 4 this year.In ancient times, the festival prompted poets to co

The Qingming Festival, or Tomb-Sweeping Day (清明节, qīng míng jié), is an important festival in China when people offer sacrifices to their ancestors (祭祖, jì zǔ). It falls on April 4 this year.

In ancient times, the festival prompted poets to compose about their grief regarding the lingering cold in spring and emotional moments while mourning the deceased (哀悼逝者, āi dào shì zhě).

Here are some famous lines from poems in the Tang and Song Dynasties (618-1279) remembering the day. The English translations used in this article are from noted Chinese translator Xu Yuanchong (许渊冲, xǔ yuān chōng).

Silk - Washing Stream

Spring sheds a mild and wild light on Cold Food Day;

Jade burner spreads the dying incense like a spray.

Walking, I find my hairpin under pillow stray.

The swallows not yet come, a game of grass we play;

Willow down wafts while mume blossoms fade away.

In drizzling rain at dusk the garden swing won't sway.

huàn xī shā · dàn dàng chūn guāng hán shí tiān

sòng · lǐ qīng zhào

dàn dàng chūn guāng hán shí tiān。
yù lú chén shuǐ niǎo cán yān。
mèng huí shān zhěn yǐn huā diàn。
hǎi yàn wèi lái rén dǒu cǎo,
jiāng méi yǐ guò liǔ shēng mián。
huáng hūn shū yǔ shī qiū qiān。

Silk—Washing Stream is a poem by Song Dynasty poet Li Qingzhao (1084-1155), one of the leading female poets of the time.

The Cold Food Festival or Hanshi Festival (寒食节, hán shí jié), as mentioned in the poem, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated one day before the Qingming Festival. On that day, people only eat cold food. It was not until the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) that the practice of Hanshi was replaced by Qingming.


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