



1. I _______ my keys. Can you help me find them?

A. have lost

B. had lost

C. lost

D. am losing

2. Sarah _______ to the party last night because she was feeling sick.

A. didn't come

B. doesn't come

C. hasn't come

D. wouldn't come

3. _______ you finish your homework, you can go out and play.

A. If

B) Unless

C) While

D) Because

4. I wish I _______ to the concert last night. It sounded amazing.

A. have gone

B. went

C) would go

D. had gone

5. The teacher asked the students _______ quietly during the exam.

A. to work

B) working

C) worked

D) work

6. _______ you like some more coffee?

A. Could

B) Would

C) Should

D) Might

7. By the time they got to the theater, the movie _______.

A. has already started

B. already started

C) had already started

D) started already

8. If I _______ you, I would take that job offer.

A. am

B) were

C) be

D) have been

9. _______ you finish the report, please send it to me via email.

A) Once

B) Until

C) While

D) After

10. _______ you like to come over for dinner tonight?

A. Do

B) Would

C) Will

D) Shall


1. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了现在完成时,表示过去发生的动作对现在有影响。

2. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了过去时,表示过去发生的事情。

3. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了条件句的if引导,表示条件。

4. 正确答案是D。这个句子使用了虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反的愿望。

5. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了ask sb to do sth的结构,表示要求某人做某事。

6. 正确答案是B。这个句子使用了would表示提出建议。

7. 正确答案是C。这个句子使用了过去完成时,表示在另一个过去动作之前已经完成的动作。

8. 正确答案是B。这个句子使用了虚拟语气,表示与现实事实相反的假设。

9. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了once表示一旦...就...

10. 正确答案是B。这个句子使用了would表示提出邀请。


1. I wish I _______ to the party last night, but I was feeling sick.

A. have gone

B. went

C) would go

D. had gone

2. _______ you finish your homework, you should review the notes for tomorrow's class.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) Because

3. The teacher asked the students _______ quietly during the exam.

A. to work

B) working

C) worked

D) work

4. _______ you like some more coffee?

A. Could

B) Would

C) Should

D) Might

5. By the time they got to the theater, the movie _______.

A. has already started

B. already started

C) had already started

D) started already

6. If I _______ you, I would take that job offer.

A. am

B) were

C) be

D) have been

7. _______ you like to come over for dinner tonight?

A) Once

B) Until

C) While

D) After

8. _______ you finish the report, please send it to me via email.

A) Once

B) Until

C) While

D) After

9. _______ you like to borrow my textbook?

A. Do

B) Would

C) Will

D) Shall

10. _______ you finish the race, you will get a certificate.

A. If

B) Unless

C) While

D) Because


1. 正确答案是D。这个句子使用了虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反的愿望。

2. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了条件句的if引导,表示条件。

3. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了ask sb to do sth的结构,表示要求某人做某事。

4. 正确答案是B。这个句子使用了would表示提出建议。

5. 正确答案是C。这个句子使用了过去完成时,表示在另一个过去动作之前已经完成的动作。

6. 正确答案是B。这个句子使用了虚拟语气,表示与现实事实相反的假设。

7. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了once表示一旦...就...

8. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了once表示一旦...就...

9. 正确答案是B。这个句子使用了would表示提出邀请。

10. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了条件句的if引导,表示条件。


1. Which sentence is correct?

A. He has went to the store.

B. He has went to the store.

C. He has gone to the store.

D. He has gone to the store.

2. choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence:

I _______ my keys. Can you help me find them?

A. lost

B. have lost

C. had lost

D. am losing

3. What is the correct past perfect tense sentence?

A. I had finished my homework before I went to bed.

B. I have finished my homework before I went to bed.

C. I finished my homework before I went to bed.

D. I am finishing my homework before I went to bed.

4. Which sentence uses the subjunctive mood correctly?

A. It is important that he go to the doctor.

B. It is important that he goes to the doctor.

C. It is important that he gone to the doctor.

D. It is important that he going to the doctor.

5. Identify the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentence:

The person _______ stole my wallet was caught by the police.

A. who

B) whom

C) whose

D) which

6. Choose the correct form of "be" in the passive voice:

The cake _______ by the chef.

A. is baked

B) was baked

C) has been baked

D) had been baked

7. What is the correct future perfect tense sentence?

A. By next week, I will have finished my project.

B. By next week, I will finish my project.

C) By next week, I am finishing my project.

D) By next week, I have finished my project.

8. Which sentence correctly uses the present perfect tense with "for"/?

A. I have lived in this city for 5 years.

B. I live in this city for 5 years.

C) I have lived in this city 5 years.

D) I lived in this city for 5 years.

9. Identify the correct form of "do" in the question tag:

You like going to the gym, _______?

A. do you

B) do you not

C) doesn't she

D) doesn't she not

10. Choose the correct sentence with the modal verb "can":

A. You can go to the party if you finish your homework.

B) You can go to the party unless you finish your homework.

C) You can go to the party while you finish your homework.

D) You can go to the party after you finish your homework.

11. What is the correct sentence with the comparative adjective "better"?

A. This book is more interesting than that one.

B) This book is more interesting than that one.

C) This book is interestinger than that one.

D) This book is more interesting than that one.

12. Identify the correct sentence with the subordinating conjunction "since":

A. Since you are here, we can start the meeting.

B) Because you are here, we can start the meeting.

C) If you are here, we can start the meeting.

D) Unless you are here, we can start the meeting.


1. 正确答案是C。这个句子使用了正确的过去分词形式 "gone"。"have gone" 表示已经去了某地,而 "have went" 是错误的。

2. 正确答案是B。"have lost" 是正确的现在完成时态,表示丢失钥匙这个动作对现在有影响。

3. 正确答案是A。"had finished" 是正确的过去完成时态,表示在另一个过去动作之前完成的动作。

4. 正确答案是A。"who" 是正确的相对 pronoun 来引导定语从句。

5. 正确答案是A。"who" 是正确的相对 pronoun 来引导定语从句。

6. 正确答案是B。"was baked" 是正确的被动语态形式。

7. 正确答案是A。"will have finished" 是正确的未来完成时态。

8. 正确答案是A。"for 5 years" 正确地与现在完成时态一起使用。

9. 正确答案是A。"do you" 是正确的疑问标签,用于附加疑问句。

10. 正确答案是A。"You can go to the party if you finish your homework." 是正确的句子,使用了 "can" 表示可能性。

11. 正确答案是A。"This book is more interesting than that one." 是正确的句子,使用了比较级形式 "more interesting"。

12. 正确答案是A。"Since you are here, we can start the meeting." 是正确的句子,使用了 "since" 作为从属连词,表示原因。


1. If I _______ you, I would take that job offer.

A. am

B) were

C) be

D) have been

2. _______ you like to come over for dinner tonight?

A) Once

B) Until

C) While

D) After

3. The teacher asked the students _______ quietly during the exam.

A. to work

B) working

C) worked

D) work

4. _______ you like some more coffee?

A. Could

B) Would

C) Should

D) Might

5. By the time they got to the theater, the movie _______.

A. has already started

B. already started

C) had already started

D) started already

6. If I _______ you, I would take that job offer.

A. am

B) were

C) be

D) have been

7. _______ you like to come over for dinner tonight?

A) Once

B) Until

C) While

D) After

8. The teacher asked the students _______ quietly during the exam.

A. to work

B) working

C) worked

D) work

9. _______ you like some more coffee?

A. Could

B) Would

C) Should

D) Might

10. By the time they got to the theater, the movie _______.

A. has already started

B. already started

C) had already started

D) started already

11. If I _______ you, I would take that job offer.

A. am

B) were

C) be

D) have been


1. 正确答案是B。这个句子使用了虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反的愿望。

2. 正确答案是D。这个句子使用了would表示提出建议。

3. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了ask sb to do sth的结构,表示要求某人做某事。

4. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了could表示提出请求。

5. 正确答案是C。这个句子使用了过去完成时态,表示在另一个过去动作之前完成的动作。

6. 正确答案是B。这个句子使用了虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反的愿望。

7. 正确答案是D。这个句子使用了after表示时间。

8. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了to work作为宾语补足语。

9. 正确答案是A。这个句子使用了could表示提出请求。

10. 正确答案是C。这个句子使用了过去完成时态,表示在另一个过去动作之前完成的动作。

11. 正确答案是B。这个句子使用了were表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。


1. Which book _______ you gave me last week is missing now.

A) which

B) that

C) who

D) where

2. The person _______ stole my wallet was caught by the police.

A) who

B) whom

C) whose

D) which

3. I remember the day _______ we first met in the park.

A) that

B) which

C) where

D) when

4. Can you show me the house _______ you grew up in?

A) that

B) which

C) who

D) where

5. The car _______ my father bought last year is still in the garage.

A) that

B) which

C) who

D) where

6. I would like to meet the person _______ won the scholarship.

A) that

B) which

C) who

D) where

7. The book _______ you recommended to me is really interesting.

A) that

B) which

C) who

D) where

8. _______ you visited the museum, you should have seen the ancient artifacts.

A) When

B) That

C) Which

D) Where

9. The teacher who _______ us English is very knowledgeable.

A) teach

B) taught

C) teaches

D) have taught

10. The house _______ my parents live in is very beautiful.

A) where

B) that

C) which

D) whom

11. I enjoy reading books _______ authors I admire.

A) whose

B) who

C) that

D) where

12. The study _______ we conducted showed interesting results.

A) that

B) which

C) who

D) where

13. _______ you finished your homework, you can go out and play.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) After

14. The artist _______ painting we saw yesterday was amazing.

A) whose

B) who

C) that

D) where

15. I'm looking forward to the day _______ we can finally relax.

A) that

B) which

C) who

D) where


1. 正确答案是B。"that" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句。

2. 正确答案是A。"who" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句。

3. 正确答案是D。"when" 是正确的关系副词来引导定语从句。

4. 正确答案是A。"that" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句。

5. 正确答案是B。"which" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句。

6. 正确答案是C。"who" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句。

7. 正确答案是B。"which" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句。

8. 正确答案是A。"When" 是正确的关系副词来引导定语从句。

9. 正确答案是C。"teaches" 是正确的谓语动词形式。

10. 正确答案是A。"where" 是正确的关系副词来引导定语从句。

11. 正确答案是A。"whose" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句。

12. 正确答案是B。"which" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句。

13. 正确答案是D)"After" 是正确的关系副词来引导定语从句。

14. 正确答案是A)"whose" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句。

15. 正确答案是D)"where" 是正确的关系副词来引导定语从句。


1. The book you gave me is _______ you borrowed from the library.

A) which

B) that

C) who

D) where

2. I remember the day _______ we first met in the park.

A) that

B) which

C) where

D) when

3. The car _______ my father bought last year is still in the garage.

A) that

B) which

C) who

D) where

4. I would like to meet the person _______ won the scholarship.

A) that

B) which

C) who

D) where

5. The book _______ you recommended to me is really interesting.

A) that

B) which

C) who

D) where

6. _______ you visited the museum, you should have seen the ancient artifacts.

A) When

B) That

C) Which

D) Where

7. The teacher who _______ us English is very knowledgeable.

A) teach

B) taught

C) teaches

D) have taught

8. The house _______ my parents live in is very beautiful.

A) where

B) that

C) which

D) whom

9. I enjoy reading books _______ authors I admire.

A) whose

B) who

C) that

D) where

10. The study _______ we conducted showed interesting results.

A) that

B) which

C) who

D) where


1. 正确答案是A。"which" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句,指代前面的 "the book"。

2. 正确答案是D。"when" 是正确的关系副词来引导定语从句,指代前面的 "the day"。

3. 正确答案是A。"that" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句,指代前面的 "the car"。

4. 正确答案是A。"that" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句,指代前面的 "the person"。

5. 正确答案是B。"which" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句,指代前面的 "the book"。

6. 正确答案是A。"When" 是正确的关系副词来引导定语从句,指代前面的 "you visited the museum"。

7. 正确答案是C。"teaches" 是正确的谓语动词形式,因为定语从句的谓语动词应与先行词 "The teacher" 保持一致。

8. 正确答案是A。"where" 是正确的关系副词来引导定语从句,指代前面的 "The house"。

9. 正确答案是A。"whose" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句,指代前面的 "books"。

10. 正确答案是B。"which" 是正确的关系代词来引导定语从句,指代前面的 "The study"。


1. There _______ a book you should read on the table.

A) is

B) are

C) was

D) were

2. _______ no apples left in the fridge, we will have to buy some.

A) There

B) Their

C) They

D) It

3. There _______ many students waiting outside the classroom.

A) is

B) are

C) was

D) were

4. _______ always a line of people waiting to get into the popular restaurant.

A) There

B) Their

C) They

D) It

5. _______ a meeting tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.

A) There

B) Their

C) They

D) It

6. I can't find my keys. _______ they in the kitchen?

A) Is

B) Are

C) Was

D) Were

7. _______ any changes to the schedule, let me know.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) After

8. _______ a beautiful sunset over the horizon.

A) There

B) Their

C) They

D) It

9. _______ always something interesting happening in this city.

A) There

B) Their

C) They

D) It

10. The park _______ many trees and flowers.

A) is

B) are

C) was

D) were


1. 正确答案是A。"is" 是正确的主谓一致形式,因为 "a book" 是单数。

2. 正确答案是A。"There" 是引导词,表示 "存在",后面跟单数名词时,谓语动词用 "is"。

3. 正确答案是B。"are" 是正确的主谓一致形式,因为 "students" 是复数。

4. 正确答案是A。"There" 是引导词,表示 "存在",后面跟单数名词时,谓语动词用 "is"。

5. 正确答案是A。"There" 是引导词,表示 "存在",后面跟单数名词时,谓语动词用 "is"。

6. 正确答案是D。"Are" 是正确的主谓一致形式,因为 "keys" 是复数。

7. 正确答案是A。"If" 是条件状语从句的引导词,表示 "如果"。

8. 正确答案是A。"There" 是引导词,表示 "存在",后面跟单数名词时,谓语动词用 "is"。

9. 正确答案是A。"There" 是引导词,表示 "存在",后面跟单数名词时,谓语动词用 "is"。

10. 正确答案是A。"is" 是正确的主谓一致形式,因为 "the park" 是单数。


1. If I _______ you, I would take that job offer.

A) were

B) am

C) be

D) have been

2. _______ you here last night, you would have seen the amazing performance.

A) Had

B) Have

C) Have been

D) Were

3. I wish I _______ to the party last night.

A) have gone

B) went

C) would go

D) had gone

4. _______ you finish your homework, you should study for the exam.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) After

5. _______ you interested in joining the debate team, you should sign up now.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) After

6. She wishes she _______ to the concert last night.

A) have gone

B) went

C) would go

D) had gone

7. _______ you here earlier, you would have met the famous author.

A) Had

B) Have

C) Have been

D) Were

8. I wish I _______ more time to relax.

A) have

B) had

C) would have

D) have had

9. _______ you finish the report, please send it to me via email.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) After

10. _______ you here yesterday, you would have seen the beautiful sunset.

A) Had

B) Have

C) Have been

D) Were


1. 正确答案是A。"were" 是虚拟语气的正确形式,用于表示与现在事实相反的假设。

2. 正确答案是A。"Had" 是虚拟语气的正确形式,用于表示与过去事实相反的假设。

3. 正确答案是D)"had gone" 是虚拟语气的正确形式,用于表示与过去事实相反的假设。

4. 正确答案是A)"If" 是条件状语从句的引导词,表示 "如果"。

5. 正确答案是A)"If" 是条件状语从句的引导词,表示 "如果"。

6. 正确答案是D)"had gone" 是虚拟语气的正确形式,用于表示与过去事实相反的假设。

7. 正确答案是A)"Had" 是虚拟语气的正确形式,用于表示与过去事实相反的假设。

8. 正确答案是B)"had" 是虚拟语气的正确形式,用于表示与现在事实相反的假设。

9. 正确答案是D)"After" 是时间状语从句的引导词,表示 "在……之后"。

10. 正确答案是A)"Had" 是虚拟语气的正确形式,用于表示与过去事实相反的假设。


1. _______ you arrive late, you will miss the opening speech.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) After

2. By the time they reached the theater, the movie _______.

A) has started

B) had started

C) started

D) would start

3. If I _______ you, I would take that job offer.

A) were

B) am

C) be

D) have been

4. _______ you finish your homework, you should study for the exam.

A) When

B) Until

C) As

D) Before

5. _______ you interested in joining the debate team, you should sign up now.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) After

6. She wishes she _______ to the concert last night.

A) have gone

B) went

C) would go

D) had gone

7. _______ you here earlier, you would have met the famous author.

A) Had

B) Have

C) Have been

D) Were

8. I wish I _______ more time to relax.

A) have

B) had

C) would have

D) have had

9. _______ you finish the report, please send it to me via email.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) After

10. _______ you here yesterday, you would have seen the beautiful sunset.

A) Had

B) Have

C) Have been

D) Were


1. 正确答案是A。"If" 是条件状语从句的引导词,表示 "如果"。

2. 正确答案是B)"had started" 是虚拟语气的正确形式,用于表示与过去事实相反的假设。

3. 正确答案是D)"have been" 是现在完成时的正确形式,用于表示从过去一直延续到现在的动作。

4. 正确答案是D)"Before" 是时间状语从句的引导词,表示 "在……之前"。

5. 正确答案是A)"If" 是条件状语从句的引导词,表示 "如果"。

6. 正确答案是D)"had gone" 是虚拟语气的正确形式,用于表示与过去事实相反的假设。

7. 正确答案是A)"Had" 是虚拟语气的正确形式,用于表示与过去事实相反的假设。

8. 正确答案是B)"had" 是虚拟语气的正确形式,用于表示与现在事实相反的假设。

9. 正确答案是D)"After" 是时间状语从句的引导词,表示 "在……之后"。

10. 正确答案是A)"Had" 是虚拟语气的正确形式,用于表示与过去事实相反的假设。



1. _______ you complete the assignment, you will be allowed to go to the party.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) Because

2. We will postpone the meeting _______ everyone can attend.

A) until

B) until everyone attend

C) until everyone will attend

D) until attending everyone

3. _______ you hand in your report on time, you will receive full credit.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) Because

4. They reached the summit _______ they were exhausted.

A) although

B) though

C) while

D) because

5. _______ he finishes his dinner, he will go to the movie theater.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) Because

6. _______ you arrive late, you will not be admitted to the concert.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) Because

7. We can go to the beach _______ it stops raining.

A) until

B) until it stops raining

C) until it will stop raining

D) until stopping the rain

8. _______ you pass the exam, you will receive a certificate.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) Because

9. They left the party _______ they were no longer welcome.

A) although

B) though

C) while

D) because

10. _______ you clean your room, you can watch TV.

A) If

B) Unless

C) While

D) Because


1. 正确答案是A)"If" 是条件状语从句的引导词,表示 "如果"。

2. 正确答案是A)"until" 是让步状语从句的引导词,表示 "直到……为止"。

3. 正确答案是B)" Unless" 是条件状语从句的引导词,表示 "除非"。

4. 正确答案是A)"although" 是让步状语从句的引导词,表示 "尽管"。

5. 正确答案是D)"because" 是原因状语从句的引导词,表示 "因为"。

6. 正确答案是B)" Unless" 是条件状语从句的引导词,表示 "除非"。

7. 正确答案是A)"until" 是让步状语从句的引导词,表示 "直到……为止"。

8. 正确答案是A)"If" 是条件状语从句的引导词,表示 "如果"。

9. 正确答案是A)"although" 是让步状语从句的引导词,表示 "尽管"。

10. 正确答案是A)"If" 是条件状语从句的引导词,表示 "如果"。

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