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乌克兰代总统亚历山大图尔奇诺夫:将重返欧洲一体化Ukraine's Acting President, Oleksander Turchinov, says Kiev wants to seekcloser ties with the European union , but is open to dialogue with Russia. Healso said one of


Ukraine's Acting President, Oleksander Turchinov, says Kiev wants to seek closer ties with the European union  , but is open to dialogue with Russia. He also said one of his top priorities includes saving the economy. Turchinov, who is Ukraine's parliamentary speaker, made the announcement in an address to the nation on Sunday, shortly after MPs voted to temporarily hand him the president's duties. Russia appears to have responded, by recalling its ambassador.

Ukraine's Acting President, Oleksander Turchinov, says Kiev wants to seek closer ties with the

European union  , but is open to dialogue with Russia.

Oleksander Turchinov is making it clear that a return to European integration will be a priority. He says Ukraine's new leadership is also ready to hold talks with Moscow, but that any dialogue must recognise and take into account Ukraine’s European choice.

"Our priority is to return to the path of European integration where the fight for Maidan began. We have to return to a family of European countries, while understanding the importance of relations with the Russian Federation. We must be ready to build relations on the basis of a new and fair partnership." Turchinov said.

Turchinov says the next government faces a tough task in stabilising the economy, which he warns is at risk of default.

Ukrainian legislators temporarily handed Turchinov the role of president on Sunday after stripping Viktor Yanukovych of his powers.

Turchinov then told MPs they have until Tuesday to form a new unity government.

Legislators have already voted to remove a string of ministers.

The Foreign Minister, Leonid Kozhara, has been dismissed, along with the education minister.

Arrest warrants have been issued for the former Incomes Minister and the former Prosecutor-General.

But the legitimacy of parliament’s recent decisions has come under question.

They’re based on Friday’s decision to return to a 10-year-old constitution that grants parliament greater powers.

President Viktor Yanukovych has not signed that decision into law. And...on Saturday he said parliament is acting illegally.

Moscow recalled its ambassador late on Sunday for what it describes as "consultation over the deteriorating situation in Kiev".

Many are now watching to see what Russia’s next move will be.

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