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The concept of critical thinking has been around for centuries, but it was not until the twentieth century that it began to receive widespread attention in education and philosophy.

Passage 1

The concept of critical thinking has been around for centuries, but it was not until the twentieth century that it began to receive widespread attention in education and philosophy. Critical thinking is defined as the ability to think rationally and evaluate information in order to reach a conclusion. It involves analyzing evidence, identifying assumptions, and asking probing questions.

One of the main purposes of critical thinking is to help individuals make informed decisions. By analyzing information, individuals can better understand complex issues and make more informed choices. Critical thinking also plays a vital role in problem-solving. When presented with a problem, individuals can use critical thinking techniques to identify the root causes, consider alternative solutions, and ultimately reach a better conclusion.

Critical thinking is not only important for individuals but also for society as a whole. When individuals think critically, they are more likely to question authority and assume responsibility for their actions. This can lead to positive social change and promote democratic values. Conversely, when individuals are not able to think critically, they are more susceptible to manipulation and may fall victim to propaganda and unethical practices.

Question 1: What is the main purpose of critical thinking?

A. To help individuals make informed decisions

B. To solve complex problems

C. To question authority and assume responsibility for actions

D. To promote democratic values

E. None of the above

Question 2: What is involved in critical thinking?

A. Analyzing evidence, identifying assumptions, and asking probing questions

B. Understanding complex issues and making informed choices

C. Questioning authority and assuming responsibility for actions

D. Solving problems and promoting democratic valuesE. None of the above

Question 3: What are the benefits of critical thinking for society?

A. It leads to positive social change.

B. It promotes democratic values.

C. It ensures ethical practices.

D. All of the aboveE. None of the above

Question 4: What is the relationship between critical thinking and manipulation?

A. Critical thinking leads to manipulation.

B. Critical thinking prevents manipulation.

C. There is no relationship between critical thinking and manipulation.

D. The relationship is unclear.E. None of the above

Question 5: In what paragraph is the word "critical" defined?

A. paragraph 1

B. Paragraph 2

C. Paragraph 3

D. Paragraph 4

E. None of the above


1、A. To help individuals make informed decisions

2、A. Analyzing evidence,identifying assumptions,and asking probing questions

3、D. All of the above

4、B. Critical thinking prevents manipulation.

5、A. Paragraph 1


1、第一段明确提到:“One of the main purposes of critical thinking is to help individuals make informed decisions.” 即批判性思维的主要目的是帮助个人做出明智的决定。因此,答案是A。

2、第二段提到:“Critical thinking involves analyzing evidence,identifying assumptions,and asking probing questions.” 即批判性思维包括分析证据、识别假设和提出探索性问题。因此,答案是A。

3、第三段提到:“Critical thinking is not only important for individuals but also for society as a whole.” 说明批判性思维不仅对个人而且对整个社会都很重要。该段进一步提到,当个人进行批判性思考时,他们更有可能质疑权威并承担自己行动的责任,从而带来积极的社会变革并促进民主价值观。因此,答案为D,即所有选项都是正确的。



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