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央行下调金融机构存款准备金率0.25个百分点 预计释放中长期流动性超5000亿元

中国人民银行9月14日消息,人民银行决定9月15日下调金融机构存款准备金率0.25个百分点(不含已执行5%存款准备金率的金融机构)。本次下调后,金融机构加权平均存款准备金率约为7.4%。专家表示,此次降准预计释放中长期流动性超5000亿元。The People's Bank of China, the co


The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, announced on Thursday the second cut to the reserve requirement ratio this year, signaling that policymakers are decisively ramping up stimulus to reinforce the pickup in economic momentum, experts said.


The move also highlights the central bank's top priority of stabilizing the domestic economic situation despite downward pressures on the renminbi amid monetary tightening in the United States, they said, and a further reduction in benchmark interest rates may come this year.


The PBOC said in a statement on Thursday that it will reduce the RRR, which refers to the proportion of money that lenders must keep as reserves, by 0.25 percentage point, effective on Friday, following a cut in March. The change does not apply to those financial institutions that have already adopted a 5 percent RRR.


The cut will bring financial institutions' weighted average RRR to about 7.4 percent, according to the central bank.


The move came amid signs of a nascent pickup in the country's economic momentum, with inflation and lending figures for August improving from July.


Zhou Maohua, an analyst at China Everbright Bank, said that implementing an RRR cut against this backdrop will help boost market confidence by showing that policymakers are determined to reinforce the pickup with ramped-up countercyclical adjustments.


Experts close to the central bank said the move will release medium- to long-term liquidity of more than 500 billion yuan ($68.7 billion), which will meet the rising liquidity demand, as more than 1 trillion yuan in local government bonds is expected to be issued in September.


The move will also reduce banks' funding costs, which will facilitate their lending to the real economy and promote further declines in financing costs, they said.


Lou Feipeng, a researcher at Postal Savings Bank of China, said the RRR cut is "necessary and timely", as it will provide low-cost funding for banks and stabilize their profit margin, which is under pressure as they reduce interest rates on existing mortgages to ease homebuyers' debt burden.


The latest cut occurred despite lingering uncertainties about the US Federal Reserve's rate hikes, which have weighed on the renminbi exchange rate. The PBOC statement said it will provide solid support for economic recovery while keeping the renminbi generally stable.


"Foreign exchange rate fluctuations will not substantively constrain China's monetary policy adjustments," said Wang Qing, chief macroeconomic analyst at Golden credit Rating International. "The latest RRR cut has once again indicated that the PBOC places the independence of monetary policy in a top priority position."



analyst 分析师 ; 分析者 ; 化验员

China Everbright Bank 中国光大银行

implementing 实施 ; 执行 ; 贯彻 ; 使生效 ; implement的现在分词

RRR required rate of return 期望收益率 ; range and range-rate 距离与距离变化率

backdrop 背景 ; 背景幕布 ; 周围陪衬景物

policymakers 政策制定者

reinforce 加强 ; 加固 ; 充实 ; 使更强大 ; 使更结实 ; 使更强烈 ; 给…加强力量 ; 加固物

pickup 改善 ; 唱头,磁头 ; 改进 ; 好转 ; 敞篷小货车 ; 轻型货车 ; 接人 ; 皮卡货车 ; 加速能力 ; 偶然结识的调情者 ; 临时拼凑的 ; 临时组织的

adjustments 调整 ; 调整,适应 ; 调节 ; adjustment的复数

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