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英政府神规定 无法驱逐的恐怖分子

An Islamic terrorist has stopped Britain deporting himby refusing to give his name for 21 years.一名伊斯兰恐怖分子拒绝交代姓名长达21年,从而阻止英国将他驱逐出境。A judge ruled that the Algerian is a trusted and senior me

 An Islamic terrorist has stopped Britain deporting him – by refusing to give his name for 21 years.


A judge ruled that the Algerian is a ‘trusted and senior’ member of a violent terrorist group and has helped suspects abroad.But his lawyers have used human rights laws to prevent the government from throwing him out of this country.Officials cannot draw up crucial paperwork guaranteeing his safety without knowing his true identity.Meanwhile, taxpayers have been left to pick up the multi-million pound bill for his legal aid and months of NHS hospital care.


Astonishingly, the terrorist, known only as B, is free to walk the streets because his bail conditions were ‘relaxed’ to allow him to go swimming and worship at a mosque.


The legal stand-off provoked a furious response from a senior Tory who branded human rights laws ‘a farce.’Dominic Raab, MP for Esher and Walton, said: ‘It is a damning indictment of the human rights farce in this country that this man has been able to run rings around the deportation system.

此案使得一位资深保守党员称人权法案为“胡闹”,而他的言论无疑引起了众怒。伊舍和沃尔顿 (英国国会选区)的议员多米尼克·拉布表示,因为这一个人打了驱逐机制的擦边球就去控诉起人权法案简直是无稽之谈。

英政府神规定 无法驱逐的恐怖分子

‘If a dangerous criminal or suspected terrorist can frustrate deportation, by spewing out human rights objections while refusing to give his name so the claims can be checked, it turns the system on its head. Even the human rights lawyers should be embarrassed, it’s so ridiculous.’


The saga emerged in a recent court ruling when B tried to halt deportation proceedings. But judges struck out his appeal. His lawyers had said the failure to resolve the stand-off was a breach of his human right to an ‘effective remedy’ by the state to his legal limbo.But the judges criticised the failure of the mystery man to identify himself as a ‘deliberate distortion of the evidence’.


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