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中国奢侈品市场表现强劲 爱马仕等多个品牌门店焕新重启

2023年一季度随着中国奢侈品市场的复苏,多个奢侈品品牌在中国的门店焕新重启,路威酩轩集团(LVMH)、爱马仕等顶级奢侈品牌销售额大幅增长。Shoppers line up outside an outlet of Louis Vuitton in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. [PHOTO by LONG WEI/FOR CHINA DAILY]Lea


Shoppers line up outside an outlet of Louis Vuitton in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. [PHOTO by LONG WEI/FOR CHINA DAILY]

Leading international luxury brands have posted strong growth, boosted by a recovering Chinese luxury market in the first quarter, with more new stores and upgraded digital experiences from luxury houses attracting a rising number of local mid-to-high income consumers.


LVMH, the world's leading luxury products group with 75 brands under its umbrella, said first-quarter sales grew 14 percent in Asia, excluding Japan, compared with an 8 percent decline in the fourth quarter last year. The group said it expects China to drive growth in 2023.


Hermes Group said its first quarter has seen its Asia market, excluding Japan, grow 23 percent. It has pursued strong momentum in the Chinese market and across the region.


In January, Hermes' Nanjing store in Jiangsu province reopened at a new address after renovation and expansion. On April 17, the company opened its newly renovated and expanded store in the historic Peninsula Hotel in Beijing, site of the Parisian house's first store on the Chinese mainland, which opened in 1997.


"Now one of 27 Hermes stores in the country, including three in Beijing, the redesign is testament to the house's long-standing history and confidence in the Chinese market," said the company.

爱马仕表示:“如今,在中国内地开设的27 家专卖店中,有3 家位于北京。此次焕新启程,印证着爱马仕的悠久历史和对中国市场的信心。”

This January, British luxury brand Burberry launched its store in SKP shopping mall in Chengdu, Sichuan province, followed by the opening of its refurbished store in Taikoo Li shopping center in the same city on March 30. In the first half of next year, Burberry's first boutique store will open in Hainan province. The brand owned 84 stores on the Chinese mainland as of the end of March.


To attract technology-savvy consumers in China, Burberry has developed a WeChat mini program to unlock personal online shopping experiences as they have discovered 80 percent of consumers in China have visited online stores before making purchases.


Josie Zhang, president of Burberry China, said: "Chinese consumers are passionate about fashion. They are digitally savvy, and more eco-conscious than ever before. They are also increasingly turning to innovative products and culturally relevant experiences. All these bring development and growth opportunities for the industry. "


According to Bain & Company, a global consultancy, the China luxury market had been on a bull run over the past five years, with the market doubling between 2019 and 2021.


"China is a behemoth for luxury growth," said the Bain report. "It has a larger number of middle- and high-income consumers, and those populations are projected to double by 2030."



strong growth 强劲增长 ; 强劲的增长势头

boosted 使增长 ; 使兴旺 ; 偷窃 ; boost的过去分词和过去式

recovering 恢复健康 ; 康复 ; 痊愈 ; 复原 ; 恢复常态 ; 全额收回 ; 追回 ; 恢复;再生;补偿 ; recover的现在分词

first quarter 第一季度 ; 第一个季度;上弦月

upgraded 使升级 ; 提高 ; 改进 ; 提升 ; 提拔 ; 提高待遇 ; 优待 ; 提升的,升级的 ; upgrade的过去分词和过去式

experiences 经验 ; 实践 ; 经历 ; 阅历 ; 经历,体验 ; 经受 ; 遭受 ; 感受 ; 体会 ; 体验 ; experience的第三人称单数和复数

attracting 吸引 ; 使喜爱 ; 引起…的好感 ; 招引 ; 引起 ; attract的现在分词

rising 上升的 ; 升起的 ; 上涨的 ; 升高的 ; 增加的 ; 增强的 ; 地势逐渐升高的 ; 〈美口〉超过,多于

income 收入 ; 收益 ; 所得

consumers 消费者 ; 顾客 ; 用户 ; consumer的复数


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