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The dangers of loud noise 高分贝噪音的危险

随身英语The dangers of loud noise 高分贝噪音的危险Play audio file你常去听演唱会吗?你喜欢戴耳机听歌吗?优美的旋律能放松心情,但如果音量太高,就可能会损坏听力。本期 “随身英语” 节目讨论高分贝噪音对身体造成的危害。词汇: s


The dangers of loud noise 高分贝噪音的危险The dangers of loud noise 高分贝噪音的危险

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你常去听演唱会吗?你喜欢戴耳机听歌吗?优美的旋律能放松心情,但如果音量太高,就可能会损坏听力。本期 “随身英语” 节目讨论高分贝噪音对身体造成的危害。

词汇: sound 声音

Many of us love live music – listening to the singer belting out classics we love to sing along to. But while it can be lots of fun nodding our heads to the tunes booming out, it can also harm our hearing. Studies suggest that one in ten adults have had their hearing damaged by loud noises or music. So why is loud music damaging, and what can we do to prevent it from harming our ears?

Inside our ears, there are lots of tiny hair-like cells located in the cochlea. These cells are referred to as hair cells because very small bundles of stereocilia, which look like hairs under a microscope, sit on top of each cell. These groupings of stereocilia can be damaged when exposed to prolonged loud noises. once damaged, these cells cannot respond to sound, and therefore we are left with noise-induced hearing loss – which can be permanent. It can also leave us with a constant ringing sound in our ears, which is known as tinnitus. So, what sounds are too loud?

Sound is measured in decibels. The maximum safe level of sound humans are thought to be able to withstand without potential damage is 80db. The bangs or booms of a firework display can reach 120db, the whirring mechanical sound of a food processor can be around 85db, and live music can be around 110db. If these sounds continue for a long period of time, it puts our unprotected ears at risk.

So what can we do to protect our ears? Firstly, when listening to music, especially while using your headphones or earphones, make sure you keep it at a sensible volume. Also, don’t get too close to speakers that are blaring out music. And, if you go to live concerts, why not take some earbuds with you? Finally, if you get a ringing sensation in your ears, it might be wise to speak to your doctor as soon as possible. Your hearing is important, but there are some steps you can take to be as safe as possible.


listen 倾听,听
belt out 高歌
nod one’s head 点头
tune 曲子,旋律
boom out 发出低响,大声播放
noise 噪音
hair cell 毛细胞
noise-induced 因噪声引起的
hearing loss 听力损失
ringing 嗡嗡声
tinnitus 耳鸣
decibel 分贝
bang 巨响
boom 低沉的响声
whirr (机器)嗡嗡作响
mechanical 机械的
headphones (头戴式)耳机
earphones 耳机
volume 音量
blare out 高声播放
earbuds 耳塞


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. True or false? Two in every ten adults have their hearing damaged by loud noises or music.

2. Where are the stereocilia located?

3. What is the safe level of noise humans can tolerate?

4. How loud is a firework display?

5. What should you do if you have a ringing sensation in your ears?

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. Turn that music down! I’m sick of hearing the same song _______.

booming out              cochlea                  earbuds                   listening

2. How many _______ is the sound of a drill?

stereocilia                 mechanical             whirring                   decibels

3. I’m going to put my _______ in to protect my ears at the concert.

headphones              whirring                  earbuds                   booming out   

4. Please _______ to this message and tell me if you can hear what he’s saying.

whirring                    listen                       mechanical              ringing

5. I have to go to the doctors about the _______ sound in my ears.

ringing                      decibels                  headphones             cochlea


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. True or false? Two in every ten adults have their hearing damaged by loud noises or music.
False. One in ten adults have their hearing damaged by loud noises or music.

2. Where are the stereocilia located?
They are located in the cochlea.

3. What is the safe level of noise humans can tolerate?
The safe level of noise for humans is under 80db.

4. How loud is a firework display?
A firework display can reach 120db.

5. What should you do if you have a ringing sensation in your ears?
You should speak with a doctor as soon as possible.

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. Turn that music down! I’m sick of hearing the same song booming out.

2. How many decibels is the sound of a drill?

3. I’m going to put my earbuds in to protect my ears at the concert.

4. Please listen to this message and tell me if you can hear what he’s saying.

5. I have to go to the doctors about the ringing sound in my ears. 

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