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Indonesian President Joko Widodo has issued a shoot-to-kill order against drug traffickers, especially foreign dealers who attempt to resist, which draws quick comparisons with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.Widodo

Indonesian president Joko Widodo has issued a shoot-to-kill order against drug traffickers, especially foreign dealers who attempt to resist, which draws quick comparisons with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.

Widodo's move is based on the belief that drug has caused a national emergency in the country.

“Be firm, especially to foreign drug dealers who enter the country and resist arrest. Shoot them because we indeed are in a narcotics emergency position now,” Widodo said in a speech delivered at a political event. 


Drug dealers are seen lying on the ground as the officers of the Indonesian National Narcotics agency raids on March 1, 2017 in North Sumatra , Indonesia. /VCG Photo

"Gun them down. show no mercy," he added.

This order came after a Taiwanese man who was trying to smuggle a ton of crystal methamphetamine into the country was killed for resisting arrest in a town near Indonesian capital, Jakarta.

Indonesian national police chief Tito Karnavian responded to the incident claiming that he had ordered officers not to hesitate shooting drug traffickers who resist arrests, reported RT.


Police show huge stash of dried marijuana during a press conference after they caught two motorcyclists on March 7, 2017 in Aceh province, Lhokseumawe, Indonesia. /VCG Photo‍

Indonesia is known for its harsh drug laws. Widodo has been criticized by human rights activists and some countries for ordering the execution of convicted drug dealers.

Since Widodo took office in 2014, Indonesia has executed 18 people for drug trafficking.

The drug crime is rampant in Indonesia because of greater price spread and high return. 

Taiwanese media reported that the drug price in Indonesia is around six times higher than Taiwan. The drug trafficking group offered young Taiwanese high remuneration to traffic in narcotics.


Indonesian President Joko Widodo (R) welcomes Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte (L) at the Presidential Palace on September 09, 2016 in Jakarta, Indonesia. /VCG Photo

Meanwhile, Widodo's remarks have drawn a comparison to those of Duterte's, who launched bloody drug crackdown in the country. He gave police officers license to gun down drug dealers as they saw fit and actively encouraged civilians to execute traffickers.

In March, Duterte warned drug dealers: "You will die," he added: "Either you kill me, or I kill you."

Reportedly, thousands dead in Philippines' "drug war", which resulted in international society's extensive criticisms over Duterte's ignorance of human rights.

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