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图片来源:视觉中国A massive influx of international tourists will arrive in Japan next July for the Tokyo Olympics. Most will be unaware another foreign visitor was specifically imported in preparation for their arrival:



A massive influx of international tourists will arrive in Japan next July for the Tokyo Olympics. Most will be unaware another foreign visitor was specifically imported in preparation for their arrival: Ebola.


Strains of the infectious virus along with four other dangerous pathogens were brought into the country last month by the Japanese government, so that scientists can study them and research possible countermeasures in the event of an outbreak sparked by the Tokyo 2020 tourist influx.


In addition to Ebola, the Japanese health ministry's National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) has imported the pathogens responsible for four other kinds of viral haemorrhagic fever, including Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, South American haemorrhagic fever, Marburg disease, and Lassa fever.


All of these are highly dangerous viral agents that have not been introduced into Japan before, and represent the first time that pathogens belonging to the most dangerous class of biological agent (biosafety level 4) have been admitted into NIID facilities.


For the researchers who will study the viruses, it's an unprecedented chance to investigate pathogens that are necessarily very difficult to come by, and to demonstrate the capabilities of Japanese scientists.


"This is a landmark time, a landmark event" NIID departmental director Masayuki Saijo told Nature.

“这是一个具有里程碑意义的时刻,也是一个划时代的事件,”日本国家传染病研究所部门主任Masayuki Saijo告诉《自然》杂志。

The pathogens were transported to an NIID facility in the district of Musashimurayama on the western side of Tokyo, but local views on the new arrivals are understandably mixed.


In July, when the virus importation became official, Japanese health minister Takumi Nemoto announced he had the approval of local Musashimurayama authorities.

当病毒于七月被正式引入日本时,日本卫生部长Takumi Nemoto宣布,他已经获得了当地武藏村山当局的批准。

"We have come to a good level of understanding on the matter," Nemoto said. "It is a major stride toward protection."


But while Musashimurayama's mayor, Masaru Fujino, may have approved the NIID's new viral research program, not all residents are happy about having Ebola on their doorstep, fearing a potential outbreak if containment protocols somehow fail.

虽然武藏村山市市长Masaru Fujino可能已经批准了国家传染病研究所的新病毒研究项目,但并不是所有的居民都乐于见到家门口就有埃博拉病毒,他们担心如果控制措施由于未知的原因而失效,可能会爆发疫情。

"It is nonsense for the government to tell us to accept the plan because of the Olympics," a residents' representative explained to The Asahi Shimbun last November while the plan was still under discussion.


"We are worried and cannot accept it."



influx ['ɪnflʌks]

n. 注入;流感(简写flu)

a massive influx of refugees from neighbouring countries


an influx of information


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