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Googles latest project may be the most widely accessible and comprehensive fashion collection on the planet. All you need to view it is an internet connection.谷歌的最新项目可能是世界上可使用的最广泛、最综合的时尚资源库

Google’s latest project may be the most widely accessible and comprehensive fashion collection on the planet. All you need to view it is an internet connection.


“We Wear Culture” is a collaboration between Google and more than 180 museums, schools, fashion institutions, and other organizations from all parts of the globe. It’s part of Google’s Arts & Culture platform, which is digitizing the world’s cultural treasures, and functions as a searchable guide to a collective archive of some 30,000 fashion pieces that puts “three millennia of fashion at your fingertips”.


But it isn’t just a database. Google has worked with curators to create more than 450 exhibits on different topics—say, how the cheongsam changed the way Chinese women dress—making the site an entertaining and educational portal filled with stunning imagery touching on everything from modern Japanese streetwear to the clothes worn at the court of Versailles.


The site uses a variety of different formats to let viewers explore objects, such as the interactive video. Another section lets you explore garments in intricate detail through ultra-high resolution photography.


“We wanted to show that fashion is much deeper than just what you wear; that there’s a story behind it, there’s people behind it, there’s influences that come from art, that come from music, that come from culture more broadly,” Kate Lauterbach, program manager for Google Arts & Culture said. “And we thought that if you can have this kind of singular resource online—and hear it from the authority, I think that’s really critical—it would be valuable.”


It’s easy to get sucked into the site, perhaps scrolling through a timeline on the history of shoes, and then skimming through the stories of different designers and trendsetters. It’s a pleasant way to lose an afternoon, and may give you a new understanding of what’s hanging in your own closet.



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