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导读:一直以来,美国总统上任都会得到世界的关注。各国也会逐渐出招试探其底线。(CNN)Major geopolitical crises have a way of greeting US presidents soon after taking office. Nazi Germanys withdrawal from the League of Nations



(CNN) — major geopolitical crises have a way of greeting US presidents soon after taking office. Nazi Germany’s withdrawal from the League of Nations in 1933, the Soviet-led construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 -- all were among the most daunting tests of US foreign policy in the past century, and all came less than a year into the tenures of new US administrations.

CNN电 在美国总统上台后不久,重大的地缘政治危机就会以一种方式向他们打招呼。纳粹德国于1933年退出国际联盟,苏联领导的柏林墙于1961年开建,东京湾事件发生于1964年——所有这些都是在过去一个世纪里对美国外交政策最令人怯步的测试,它们都发生在新一届美国政府上台一年之内。

If past is precedent, Beijing will also soon look to stress-test the new White House. How president Trump responds could well determine whether he stays in the driver’s seat of his own legacy.


South China Sea: What’s at stake


The trouble began when Secretary of state Rex Tillerson suggested during his confirmation hearing that the United States would block China from accessing islands it has built in the South China Sea, islands Beijing has outfitted with weapons systems and military-grade airstrips.


Beijing so far has shown marked restraint, at least in its official statements. The Chinese Foreign Ministry downplayed Tillerson’s initial comments and refused to speculate on how it would react to a "hypothetical" situation. Its message for domestic audiences, though, was less conciliatory.


"Unless Washington plans to wage a large-scale war in the South China Sea," the nationalist-leaning global Times warned, "any other approaches to prevent Chinese access to the islands will be foolish."


For a country whose largest challenge is arguably in managing the expectations of its own people, such hawkish messages may be the more reliable sign.


Such escalations are likely to come in two varieties. Most obviously, Beijing could respond militarily.


China’s greatest military strategist, Sun Tzu, once said, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." President Trump would do well to heed this advice, because right now he doesn’t appear to know either.


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