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导读:据BBC报道,前任联合国秘书长潘基文的兄弟和侄子被指控密谋贿赂政府官员Mr Bans younger brother and his nephew stand accused of offering money to a Middle Eastern official, through an American middleman.潘基文弟弟和侄子



Mr Ban’s younger brother and his nephew stand accused of offering money to a Middle Eastern official, through an American middleman.


They allege the two men bribed the official to use state funds to buy their building project.


Mr Ban served as UN secretary general from 2007 until 2016.


He was succeeded by former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres on 1 January 2017. Mr Ban is now being seen as a possible future president in his home country of South Korea.

2017年1月1日,葡萄牙前总理Antonio Guterres接任了他的职位,成为新一任联合国秘书长。潘基文被视为可能成为未来韩国总统的人。

Prosecutors say that in early 2013 the South Korean construction firm Keangnam, of which Mr Ban’s brother Ban Ki-sang was an executive, was faced with growing debt and sought to sell a building complex in Vietnam known as Landmark 72.

检察官说,2013年初,由潘基文弟弟Ban Ki-sang担任总经理的韩国建筑公司Keangnam,正在面临不断增长的债务,公司设法售卖一栋位于越南的建筑综合体,该建筑物被称作“地标72”。

In a 39-page indictment unsealed on Tuesday at a Manhattan courthouse, prosecutors alleged that he and his son Joo Hyan "Dennis" Bahn, a Manhattan estate agent, stood to make millions of dollars in commission on the sale, valued at up to $800m (657m pounds).

周二,曼哈顿法院开庭时呈上的39页起诉书中,检察官指控潘基文弟弟Ban Ki-sang和他的儿子Joo Hyan Bahn(一名曼哈顿房地产经纪人)设定百万美金佣金出售该建筑,佣金价值高达800万美金。

US officials say that the two men paid millions of dollars in bribes and tried to trade on the prominence of their South Korean family name in order to persuade a Middle Eastern official from an unnamed country to arrange a purchase of the complex by that country’s sovereign wealth fund.


Federal papers say the two even tried to secure a meeting to discuss the deal with that country’s head of state during his visit to New York during an annual UN general assembly meeting.


Mr Bahn, who has pleaded not guilty, was released on bail.


According to the indictment, a $500,000 initial bribe was paid to US businessman Malcolm Harris who presented himself as an agent of the official, with another $2m promised upon the closing of the sale.


But Mr Harris allegedly double-crossed Mr Bahn and his father and made off with the money. Neither Mr Harris nor Mr Ban Ki-sang have been detained.

但哈里斯先生涉嫌出卖Bahn先生和他的父亲,并将钱掠走。哈里斯先生和Ban Ki-sang先生都未被刑事拘留。

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