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导读:大家还记得在《太阳的后裔》中主人公经过雷区时的如履薄冰吗,就在中越边境上,有人正在经历着如此胆战心惊的生活。I began to feel the longstanding influence of war the minute I stepped into Balihe village, which borders V



I began to feel the longstanding influence of war the minute I stepped into Balihe village, which borders Vietnam in Southwest China’s Yunnan Province.


It is known as a "mine village," as in the region there are large - though no one knows how large - numbers of unexplored mines buried all around, remnants left over from the Sino-Vietnamese War nearly four decades ago.


We arrived at the village in May to report on the lives of villagers, the struggles they face living in such a dangerous environment and the efforts made by them and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to remove these deadly weapons.


Before we kicked off our journey, my colleague told me at the airport that he had just accidentally broken his favorite vase, which he worried was a "bad omen."


My colleague, a strong photographer, served in the army for two years. He knows clearly the horrible impact an exploding mine can have on a human body.


I read some articles about the village and did preliminary research about the possible dangers we might encounter. despite the psychological expectations I had, stepping onto the land meant something different.


Signs with skulls on them stand everywhere in the village, warning passersby that the surrounding area is littered with landmines and should be avoided.


But for the sake of putting food on the table, it’s almost impossible for the locals to stay out of these places, as they have to pick tea leaves, grow vegetables and search for firewood in these forbidden lands.


I got to know Wang Kaixue in the village, a man with a primary school education who taught himself how to dismantle mines. Wang’s father was killed by a mine and he declared a personal war on mines as a child.


He doesn’t own any professional equipment and believes his eyes and intuition are more accurate mine detectors than sophisticated equipment.


Every day he goes to areas where thousands of mines are buried to collect them, because he said the land "is too fertile and abandoning it is a total waste."


His campaign, which is incredibly dangerous, isn’t supported by the local government. But he is dissatisfied with their simple and crude way of dealing with the problem: erecting warning signs.


Wang is lucky as so far he hasn’t got into a serious accident. After visiting Wang, I got the opportunity to talk to a PLA officer who is in charge of a mine-sweeping team in the region, the third time the military has deployed troops to clear mines. The first two mine clearance missions by the military were conducted in 1990s.


The officer said that before they embarked on the mission, his leader told him he must guarantee safety of every soldier. But just several days after I returned to Beijing, I learned that a young soldier in a different team had died while mine-sweeping.


During my interview, I asked the soldiers whether they wanted to move to another assignment. To my surprise, most of them said they didn’t want to.


While I do admire such lofty goals, I can’t help but think why it’s always the ordinary people who pay the price for war?


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