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导读:巴基斯坦一名美女网红因发性感自拍照被她的亲弟弟杀死,被捕后这名凶手毫无悔意,称其为荣誉谋杀。The brother, Waseem, 25, was arrested in Dera Ghazi Khan in central Pakistan on Saturday night.凶手是这名网红的弟弟,名叫Wa



The brother, Waseem, 25, was arrested in Dera Ghazi Khan in central Pakistan on Saturday night.


The Dawn newspaper said he had confessed to the murder, saying he drugged and strangled her "for dishonouring the Baloch name".


Qandeel Baloch, 26, became a household name for posting sometimes raunchy photographs, comments and videos.

Qandeel Baloch今年26岁,是一位家喻户晓的网红,她因时不时地在网上发布性感挑逗的照片、评论和视频而走红。

She recently caused controversy by posting pictures of herself alongside a Muslim cleric.


Dawn quoted her brother as saying: "She wasn’t aware I was killing her. I gave her a tablet and then strangled her."


Speaking after his arrest, he said: "I am not ashamed. We are Baloch and as Baloch we cannot tolerate [this]".


He pointed to videos his sister had made, and specifically the images taken with the cleric, Mufti Abdul Qavi.


Police said the brother had escaped to Dera Ghazi Khan after the killing in the Karimabad area of Multan early on Saturday morning.


They said he fled with two friends who were still being sought.


Ms Baloch, whose real name was Fouzia Azeem, was buried on Sunday morning in her ancestral village near Dera Ghazi Khan in Punjab province. Images from the scene showed scores of people attending the services.

周日早晨,Qandeel Baloch(真名Fouzia Azeem)被葬在了旁遮普省一个她祖先曾居住过的村庄里,那里很靠近德利加兹汗。从现场的照片来看,很多人都出席了她的葬礼。

Mufti Qavi, who said he had forgiven Ms Baloch for her actions, had offered to lead the funeral prayers, reports said.

有报道说,穆夫提阿卜杜尔表示他已经原谅了Qandeel Baloch的所作所为,并且在她的葬礼上主持了祷告仪式。

Ms Baloch had built up a large social media fan-base, with 43,000 Twitter followers and more than 700,000 on Facebook.

Qandeel Baloch在社交媒体上有一大票粉丝,推特上有43000个支持者,而Facebook上有70万个支持者。

She was well aware of the opposition she faced but continued to post defiant tweets. One on Thursday read: "I will not give up. I will reach for my goal & absolutely nothing will stop me."


Ms Baloch rose to fame in 2014 when a video of her pouting at the camera and asking "How em looking?" went viral.

Qandeel Baloch最开始声名鹊起是在2014年,当时她发布的一份视频在网络上被疯传,视频中的她翘着嘴问道“它们看起来怎么样?”

In a recent interview she was bitterly critical of Pakistan’s patriarchal society and described herself as a leading exponent of girl power.


While many younger people saw her as a cultural icon and hailed her liberal views, she was also subjected to frequent misogynist abuse online.


Ms Baloch had gone to Punjab from Karachi because of the threat to her security, police say.

据警方表示,由于人身安全受到威胁,Qandeel Baloch才从卡拉奇来到了旁泽普。

Her request for better security was ignored by the government, Dawn reported, despite pleas made three weeks ago to the interior minister and other senior officials.

据《黎明报》报道说,政府无视了她要求更好安全保护的请求,三周之前Qandeel Baloch还向内政部长和其他高级官员作出了请求。

Hundreds of women are murdered every year in Pakistan in so-called honour killing cases.


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