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导读:据尼尔森咨询公司星期五发布的一份最新调查,由于对就业和个人经济情况的预期良好,消费意愿强,今年第二季度,中国90后群体最具消费信心。Chinas post-1990 consumers posted the highest consumer confidence in the second quart



China’s post-1990 consumers posted the highest consumer confidence in the second quarter ofthe year, due to their optimism on job prospects, personal finance and willingness to spend, the latest survey from consultancy The Nielsen Co showed on Friday.


Their Consumer Confidence Index stood at 110, higher than that of any other age group, followedby the post-1960 (108) and post-1980 (105) generations, according to the survey.


"The post-1990 consumers are more open to new things and have a strong willingness to spend,therefore creating lots of opportunities for all types of businesses," said Eva Ng, vice-president of Nielsen Greater China.

尼尔森大中华区副总裁Eva Ng说,“90后购物的态度更加开放,喜欢尝鲜,有着更强烈的消费意愿。因此,他们为各种商业活动都提供了更多的机会。”

"Moreover, they don’t have a high brand loyalty. though they don’t have too much money at the moment, they will emerge as a very important consumption power within five years," she added.


According to the survey, 25 percent of people born in the 1990s are willing to buy new products,higher than the generation born in the 1980s (19 percent) and 1970s (21 percent).


online shopping is extremely popular among the post-1990 segment. The survey showed that 93 percent of them have shopped online in the past three months, and 71 percent of them will go online shopping in the next six months.


The overall Nielsen Consumer Confidence Index increased one point to 106 in the second quarter, indicating that Chinese consumers are adjusting to the new normal of economic growth and their confidence level remains stable, the consultancy said.


"Nielsen’s research shows that not only the economy adjusted to a comparatively lower growth with a better quality, but also that consumers have adjusted their consumption habits to adapt to this new trend," said Yan Xuan, president of Nielsen Greater China.


"As a result, the CCI remains stable in the first half of this year, and we are witnessing Chinese consumers’ consumption behavior also entered a ’new normal’."


According to the report, consumers were more optimistic about job prospects and personal finance during the first half of 2016 than they were in the second half last year.


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