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程训钊获男子90公斤级比赛铜牌中国选手程训钊获得里约奥运会男子90公斤级比赛铜牌。这是中国首枚柔道奖牌。站在领奖台上,25岁的程训钊笑起来很有些腼腆。感觉就像做梦一样,经历了那么多,终于得到了自己应该得到的,他说。Cheng Xunzha



Cheng Xunzhao of China has won a bronze medal in the 90-kilogram division of men’s judo. This is the country’s first trip to the podium in the sport in Rio. The 25-year-old martial artist attributes his success to tapping in to what he describes as a sort of “prehistoric force.”

“I think this is just a start. There will be more and more Chinese judo competitors standing on Olympic podiums in the near future. I’m just the start of something bigger,” Cheng said.

“This medal means the Chinese men's judo team has proven ourselves to the world, letting everyone know that, if we just push ourselves mentally and physically, we can all achieve our goals, and I will not rest. Even after retiring, I will work in the judo business.

“I saw her images online, the renowned ‘prehistoric force.’ I think I might have borrowed some, so I won the bronze. In the semifinal, I think I did not handle this force well. If I had pulled out that force, I might have won gold already.

“I will continue in my judo journey in the future. I set my goal for Tokyo 2020. I plan to stand on the podium again there.I have confidence. I will be there in 2020, because I'm still young.”


Cheng says medal is just start for china.

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