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CCTV9英语新闻:冯小刚谈春晚Feng Xiaogang discusses anticipated CCTV new year galaAs the most watched TV show in the world, for many the CCTV Spring Festival Gala has been an integral part of Chinese New Year since it beg


Feng Xiaogang discusses anticipated CCTV new year gala

As the most watched TV show in the world, for many the CCTV Spring festival Gala has been an integral part of Chinese New Year since it began in 1983.

Preparations for the New Year Gala are well underway. Film director Feng Xiaogang is the first director of the gala who is not an employee of CCTV. Many expect him to inject some fresh energy into the show.


"In the beginning we will show a video asking people the question: "What is the New Year Gala?" We will show opinions from all walks of life, those who like the gala and those who don't," Feng said.

"Another innovation we want to introduce is to hold a mini singing contest. I mean there're lots of champions from singing contests all across China. We want the best of the best to battle it out on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. And the audience can make up their minds who's the best."

So Feng is trying to empower viewers, putting them in charge. But he also predicts some divided opinions.

"I heard that South Korean singer Lee Miho is really big in China and his concerts are just packed and even cause traffic jams. So I thought about inviting him over, but when other people heard about it they were bewildered," Feng said. "So it is just amazing how opinions can be so polarized over just one singer. And I'm talking about people of the same generation disagreeing sharply."


Film director Feng Xiaogang speaks to press and netizens. Many expect him to inject some fresh energy into this year's CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

While it may be hard to cater to the taste of the audiences, Feng Xiaogang believes that this is a theme that will resonate with all, and that is family values.

"I chose the singer Wang Zhengliang because one of his songs really strikes a cord with me. It's called 'Where has all the time gone?' It's a very warm and tender song," Feng said.

"I can imagine you sitting at the table and listening to the song with your parents and it strikes you they have aged so slowly and silently and that time sure flies. It arouses this sense of nostalgia and has a real human touch to it. That's something ideal for the gala."

With the gala encompassing both joyous celebration and a sentimental spirit, analysts believe this could be the most diverse and rich gala to ever hit CCTV's stage.

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