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CCTV9英语新闻:85岁老人写情书为昏迷老伴加油85-year-old writes love letters to encourage comatose wifeAn 85-year-old man in Hunan province is writing daily love letters to his wife, whos in a coma in intensive care.The wi


85-year-old writes love letters to encourage comatose wife


An 85-year-old man in Hunan province is writing daily love letters to his wife, who’s in a coma in intensive care.

The wife, Li Shufeng has been hospital for more than 20 days after a heart attack. Peng Xiaolu asked nurses to read his letters to his wife to keep her company. The couple were both professors in Huaihua city. Mr. Peng has cataracts and has just left hospital himself. He sketches her on every letter he writes, and says "Forgive me--bad eyes keep me from not drawing you as beautiful as you are". The letters were posted on-line by one of the nurses who witnessed their love, and soon, thousands reposted it.

Let me read you one of the letters..."I cherish every single day and year of our past 52 years together. We’ve been through so many hard days together, with both tears and joy. Just thinking about those times makes me believe you can survive and recover. The hope and faith in my heart tell me you can. The whole family is cheering for you. Please wake up."


An 85-year-old man in Hunan province is writing

daily love letters to his wife, who’s in a coma

in intensive care.


An 85-year-old man in Hunan province is

writing daily love letters to his wife, who’s

in a coma in intensive care.


An 85-year-old man in Hunan province

is writing daily love letters to his wife,

who’s in a coma in intensive care.

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