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US will always be faithful and loyal friend to Indian people: Trump特朗普:美国将永远是印度人民的忠实朋友AHMEDABAD: In a relationship-defining speech at a packed Motera Stadium on Monday, US President Donald Trump declar

US will always be faithful and loyal friend to Indian people: Trump



AHMEDABAD: In a relationship-defining speech at a packed Motera Stadium on Monday, US president Donald Trump declared that his country would always be faithful and loyal to Indians, and enthusiastically embraced the entire gamut of India-US ties, saying shared democratic beliefs had forged an enduring friendship that brought the two nations together as powerful defenders of peace and hope.


“It is faith in free society, confidence in your own people, your trust in your own citizens and respect for dignity of every person that makes the US and India such a natural, beautiful and enduring friendship,” Trump said.


In a fulsome appreciation, Trump said, “The story of the Indian nation is a tale of astounding progress and a miracle of democracy, extraordinary diversity and above all a strong and noble people. India gives hope to all of humanity. It has become an economic giant, largest democracy and one of the most amazing nations anywhere in the world.”


In a speech lasting 27 minutes, Trump praised PM Narendra Modi as an “exceptional leader”, a living proof of what Indians can achieve by hard work, referring to Modi’s humble beginnings as a “chaiwala”. He asked the PM to “stand” and shook him by the hand. He said Modi was a leader who worked for India night and day and who he was proud to call his “true friend”.


“We will always remember this remarkable hospitality. From this day on, India will hold a special place in our hearts,” Trump said. Referring to the PM, he said, “Everybody loves him but I will tell you this, he is very tough” and chuckled at his observation, adding Modi won a landslide in the largest democratic election to be held anywhere in the world.



Top Comment

Welcome to India Mr. Trump. We all are honoured on your visit to India. Long live India-US relationship.


Suriya • 10 hours ago

But one thing is crystal clear that mr Modi and mr. Trump are going to be the greatest protagonists of a world free from exploitation and which will stand the two nations in good stead.


AsaMatterOfFact • 10 hours ago

Congress & Co is fomenting trouble and behind the violence in Delhi.


F S • 10 hours ago

Indians in USA have to realize, whatever crazy Trump is. But he has one thing right, "Islamic Terrorist". This is important to ensure safety for our next gens.


Dinesh Patel • New York • 8 hours ago

First US President to say it. Definitely thank you Modiji for making it happen.


Rig Yogi • 9 hours ago

US cares deeply about only one country's interest. That is the US. If that means giving Pak billions, it will do so. Modi and Trump both love big spectacles. especially one paid by someone else.


Sandeep Srikumar • 10 hours ago

Do not trust American bastrds


Rikin Shah • Mumbai • 9 hours ago

Hope he remains loyal to what he has said and support India in fighting terrorism and terrorist countries like Pakistan.


Don • 9 hours ago

Rahul baba should have come for presidential dinner .

Its a big loss of india for they do not have a comedian like him to entertain Trump .


Om N • 10 hours ago

USA will be faithful as long as they have a poodle lap dog like Modi in India.


Patriot • 7 hours ago

Thank you Mr. President telling your country will be always friend to Indian people. God bless India ,US and your family.


Bhavesh Shah • 8 hours ago

India-US relations are much closer during Modi Government. Good for both countries.


DifferentView • 8 hours ago

Trump did handshake with Modi and US stock market crashed. lol


Anonymous • bangalore • 9 hours ago

It seems to be just the photo ops session right from the start .. Trump is acting like a salesman to sell US arms .. the are not going to give any relaxation in tax or sing any agreement .. but only word of assurance .


Iwish • Earth • 6 hours ago

US is nothing but an arms merchant


Virendra Saxena• 6 hours ago

u mean India shud not buy arms from USA?


Bhishma • 9 hours ago

India is not interested in weapons and war. Sell your missiles, tanks, bombs to Saudi so that they can destroy peace in the Middle East. We need friends who can help us in the development of education, infrastructure, health and nutrition and most important world peace. Trump go back!


Bhola • Chicago • 11 hours ago

Trump is expected to leave India without even a mini-deal next week because of New Delhi's reluctance to yield on its protectionist policies. It means India wasted millions of dollars to make Trump happy but what India have got zero.


Pradeep Reddy • Hyderabad • 11 hours ago

onLY one benefit I see with Trump visit, Indians will get cheaper CHICKEN legs


Saswati • 2 hours ago

India is the largest democracy and one of the most amazing country but economic giant?


Indian • 3 hours ago

US may get a 3 billion dollars deal, what about common man of India.


Elias Ponodath • Pune, Maharashtra • 5 hours ago

This man came to India to inpress the Indian Anericans for their votes.....nothingelse.......and Modiji spent crores of tax payers money for that


SNAAATION • 6 hours ago

Total Lies, U.S has never been good ally & friend of india, Russia is True India, fekuu is doing grave mistake..trusting this businessman..anyway Oct Trump will lose elections, feku will do break dance...

全是谎言,美国从来都不是印度的忠实盟友或朋友,俄罗斯才是。相信这个商人,印度正在犯严重的错误。. .不管怎样,特朗普会在选举中败北…

murthy krishna • 6 hours ago

No third force can break the friendship between India and USA .... It has been cemented it so strongly by Modi and Trump.........Long live India -USA relationship.....


Abhijit • Hyderabad • 6 hours ago

Honestly did not understand the euphoria behind this visit.


India First • 6 hours ago

America and loyalty are two antonyms. Its just an eye wash from Trump. He is eyeing at India’s big defence market.



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