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广电总局出新通知 电视剧不得炒作"未删减版"

Chinese authorities issued new regulations to ban anumber of TV networks' inappropriate hype,reported Beijing Daily.据北京日报报道,中国政府发布了一项新规定,禁止大量电视剧不适当的炒作。According to the rules to furt

Chinese authorities issued new regulations to ban anumber of TV networks' "inappropriate hype,"reported Beijing Daily.


According to the rules to further regulate televisionbroadcast issued by the state Administration of Press,Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT), themedia promotion was strictly regulated. The circularasked Chinese TV networks, video websites, and TVproduction entities not to hype the so-called "fullversions", "uncut versions" or "deleted scenes".


Yu Fei, the deputy secretary general of the China Radio and Television association TV-seriesScreenwriters Committee, explained that after SAPPRFT's review, the final approved version of a TVseries is the final cut. "No matter what platforms the TV series will be broadcast, the version shouldbe the same, there is no such thing as an uncut version. Anything else is just hype."



广电总局出新通知 电视剧不得炒作"未删减版"

The circular also asked again that there should be no commercials and shows cut in the broadcastof a TV series. The administration asked TV networks to do so as early as in 2011, but theindustry still hoped that extra commercials would be back for TV episodes this year, which SAPPRFTdoes not support.


There should also be no added commercials at the time when an episode ends and the credits startto roll. Yu said this rule is important, adding, "Many TV networks add extra commercials at free will,and this has become bad for the industry which doesn't respect the cast and crew, now it's time togive them back their dignity."


Chen Liqiang, a professor with the School of Journalism and Communication at Tianjin NormalUniversity, said to Beijing Business that the added commercials are normal for satellite televisionnetworks. The rules which ban the added commercials have guaranteed the audiences' interest.However, for TV networks which see the commercials as a major part of their profits, this is achallenge for them. Chen believes there will be new loopholes after the rules are issued, such asplanted commercials in TV series.


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