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中国邵阳渡船沉没 致11死16伤

11 dead in Central China ferry sinking星期五湖南中部邵阳市一渡船倾覆沉没,船上11人死亡,其余16人受伤,死者中大部分为小学生和中学生。周六早上地方当局已确认此事件。SHAOYANG, Hunan -Eleven people, mostly students from prima

11 dead in central China ferry sinking


SHAOYANG, Hunan - Eleven people, mostly students from primary and middle schools, died and 16 others were injured after a ferryboat capsized and sank in a river in Central Hunan province Friday afternoon, local authorities confirmed early Saturday morning.


中国邵阳渡船沉没 致11死16伤

Relatives of the victims react on Sept 9, 2011. [Photo/Xinhua] 

Rescuers are still searching for three missing and two owners of the boat, Yin Xixiang and Yin Xinquan, were put in police custody, sources with the Shaoyang County government said.

The accident happened at about 3:20 pm Friday in Fuyi River in the county, some 250 km southwest of Hunan provincial capital of Changsha.

There were 45 people, including two boat owners, aboard the vessel, which capsized and sank after it was blocked by some iron cables that are used for dredgers, according to the sources.

Thirteen passengers who escaped the accident unhurt have gone back to their own homes or schools, the sources said.

The deceased students are all from two primary and middle schools in the town of Tangtianshi. They were returning homes for the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival, a traditional Chinese holiday for family reunion  s that falls on September 12.

The ferryboat was chartered by the schools to send the students back homes across the river.

Police are further investigating into the cause of the accident.

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