Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump manned the fry station at a McDonald\'s in Pennsylvania on Sunday before staging an impromptu news conference, answering questions through the drive-thru window. As reporters and aides watched, an employee sh
Donald Trump has ruled out another presidential debate against his rival Kamala Harris before November\'s election. He said on Thursday - two days after the pair\'s first showdown in Philadelphia - that Harris only wanted a rematch because he "clearly" w
G20峰会开始前的场边,随着政要们纷纷进场,沙特王储与法国总统马克龙有一段非正式对话被摄影机录下,其中谈到了沙特记者卡舒吉遇害案。French presidential aide confirms they spoke about Khashoggi murder and Yemen after microphon
本周五唐纳德特朗普将接受首次总统体检,喜忧参半,医生特别强调改善营养和加强体育锻炼的重要性。Donald Trump will have his first presidential medical on Friday - so what should he expect?唐纳德特朗普将于本周五接受首次总统体
导读:近日法国总统大选落下帷幕,39岁马克龙当选成为法国下一任总统,但是最令中国人惊奇的不是他的年龄,而是他的婚姻他的妻子比他年长24岁、是曾经的老师、还是同班同学的老妈。Emmanuel Macrons victory in the French presidential e
French voters turned their backs on the political establishment last night in round one of the presidential election.在昨晚的第一轮总统大选中,法国选民舍弃了法国的政治体制。Emmanuel Macronan independent centristwon first
导读:全球经济正在同步上扬,要感谢的是刺激政策而非民粹主义。ECONOMIC and political cycles have a habit of being out of sync. Just ask George Bush senior, who lost the presidential election in 1992 because voters blamed hi
导读:近日外媒报道,美国前国务卿希拉里将出版一本新书,包括一系列个人随笔,其中还有对去年大选失败的反思。The former presidential candidate will release her untitled tome on 26 September, says SimonSchuster. Financial terms
导读:1月20日川普即将宣誓就任成为美国总统,但是据美国盖洛普公司最近的一项民调显示,仍然有超过50%的美国人对川普的能力表示质疑。As Donald Trump prepares to take the U.S. presidential oath on Jan. 20, over half of Americans
导读:美国大选临近,而人们对希拉里和特朗普两位候选人的深扒也是越来越多。近日,美媒爆料,希拉里可能是同性恋。An email published by the U.S. government as a part of their criminal investigation into presidential candidate,
导读:昨日,共和党总统候选人川普的竞选战友、共和党副总统候选人麦克彭斯的竞选飞机在纽约机场失事,目前事故原因尚未查明。WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- U.S. Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pences campaign plane slid off th
导读:美国大选临近,希拉里和克林顿之间的硝烟继续弥漫。那么最新的名义调查结果是什么呢?一起来了解下!WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 -- U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has an 11-point lead over her Republican riva
导读:美国大选如火如荼地进行着,候选人希拉里和特朗普自己的互撕也变得愈加激烈,而这一乱象也凸显出这一超级大国的制度弊端。The chaotic 2016 presidential election has highlighted the defects in the US election system and the
导读:美国民主党派候选人希拉里在出席911纪念仪式被确认感染肺炎,而她的医生表示她的病情正在逐步好转。US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been treated for pneumonia, her doctor says, after she was taken