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Cartoon commentary on President Xi's UK visit 3: Xi and Cameron meeting steersSino-British relationsComments by Xu Xiujun, associate researcher with the Institute of WorldEconomy and Politics at the Chinese Academy of So

Cartoon commentary on President Xi's UK visit 3: Xi and Cameron meeting steers Sino-British relations

Comments by Xu Xiujun, associate researcher with the Institute of World Economy and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; comics drawn by Cai Meng

On October 21, Chinese president Xi Jinping held bilateral talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron at 10 Downing Street, marking the highlight of Xi’s UK visit.


Xi and Cameron meeting steers Sino-British relations.

The two leaders discussed major issues of substance, which had also occurred during their Beijing meeting in December 2013 and the Hague meeting in Netherlands, March 25, 2014.

They had an in-depth exchange of views on international and regional issues of common concern to enhance mutual trust and consensus. They outlined plans to open a golden era for Sino-British relations.

China and the UK are permanent members of the United Nations security Council. As two major economies in the world, both play irreplaceable roles in international and regional affairs.

In recent years, the British government led by David Cameron has stood by positive and pragmatic diplomacy with Beijing. They welcome the rise of China.

Cameron has pledged that the UK will act as the strongest supporter for China in the Western world.

The second decade of Sino-British comprehensive strategic partnership is entering an essential moment. Chinese and British leaders should adapt to the times, work together to plan for bilateral pragmatic cooperation.

People are convinced that the Xi and Cameron meeting is very significant, which will lay a foundation to build better bilateral relations. The golden era of Sino-British relations will have a splendid future.

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