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乔治王子迎周岁生日 乐高积木复制生日宴

乔治王子迎周岁生日 乐高积木复制生日宴The royal partyis set on a classic green Lego board and is childishly simple in itsconstruction.Prince Georgesits in a high chair, flanked by his parents, birthday presents andcake.Th

乔治王子迎周岁生日 乐高积木复制生日宴


乔治王子迎周岁生日 乐高积木复制生日宴

The royal party is set on a classic green Lego board and is childishly simple in its construction.

乔治王子迎周岁生日 乐高积木复制生日宴

Prince George sits in a high chair, flanked by his parents, birthday presents and cake.

乔治王子迎周岁生日 乐高积木复制生日宴

The model of Prince George sitting in a high chair and wearing a party hat is made of just 15 Lego bricks. Can you recreate it?

乔治王子迎周岁生日 乐高积木复制生日宴

The Queen and Prince Philip (and a few corgis) attend Prince George's party.

乔治王子迎周岁生日 乐高积木复制生日宴

Prince Harry chats to Pippa Middleton at the tea party complete with red, white and blue balloons.

乔治王子迎周岁生日 乐高积木复制生日宴

Prince Charles and Camilla chat to the Middletons.

乔治王子迎周岁生日 乐高积木复制生日宴

The in-scale party scene is dwarfed by the Palace.

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