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Rooftop road in Chinese city wows netizens

Architects and planners in the mountainous Chinese city of Chongqing have always been renowned for their creative use of the citys limited spaces.cqnews.net PhotoThis week, a novel way that passes over the rooftop of a f

Architects and planners in the mountainous Chinese city of Chongqing have always been renowned for their creative use of the city’s limited spaces.

Rooftop road in Chinese city wows netizens

cqnews.net Photo

This week, a novel way that passes over the rooftop of a five-story residential building once again amazed netizens after pictures of the unusual road went viral online.

Rooftop road in Chinese city wows netizens

cqnews.net Photo

A resident surnamed Cui said that the road navigating atop the rooftop was designed for the convenience of those who reside in the hillside residential complex and need to drive up from street level or take a lift to get to their homes.

Rooftop road in Chinese city wows netizens

cqnews.net Photo

“Although we are used to Chongqing’s hilly geography, this is the main reason to build such a road,” Cui said.

Rooftop road in Chinese city wows netizens

cqnews.net Photo

The road wouldn’t be a noisy disturbance for the residents, said another resident surnamed Liu, adding that there were no dwellings in the building below.

The upper three floors were used as parking lots and the ground-level was rented out for stores and restaurants, he said. 

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