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上海郁金香节开幕庆祝荷兰文化A rainbow of color from the Netherlands has descended on Shanghais Pudong district. Its the citys annual tulip festival and celebration of Dutch culture in Shanghai. The tulips cover a one mil


A rainbow of color from the Netherlands has descended on Shanghai’s Pudong district. It’s the city’s annual tulip festival and celebration of Dutch culture in Shanghai. 

The tulips cover a one million square-meter plot at the Flower Port. A number of windmills have also been set up to give the area a Dutch feel. Although it was raining when the event opened on Saturday, visitors were still impressed."

"This is what we call ’Dutch weather’. In the Netherlands, we always have a lot of rain, which makes our country a clean country, clean air, a lot of water, and it’s also very good for flowers. So it’s what we call typical Dutch weather, yes we do," Dutch Consul-General Peter Potman said. 

All the tulips were imported from the Netherlands, and the Shanghai Flower Port says it will import different varieties every year. The show runs until April 27th, and tickets cost 100 yuan for adults and 50 for students.


The tulips cover a one million square-meter plot at the Flower Port.


The tulips cover a one million square-meter plot at the Flower Port.


The tulips cover a one million square-meter plot at the Flower Port.

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