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苹果Iphone 6发布会上使用歌曲背后的故事

What better way to drop a new album than to release it to iTunes users for free while the whole world is tuned into the launch of a new Apple product?在全世界都翘首企盼苹果发布新产品时,还有什么比在iTunes免费发布新专辑更

 What better way to drop a new album than to release it to iTunes users for free while the whole world is tuned into the launch of a new Apple product?


That’s just how U2 released their new album, anyway. The legendary Irish rock band has returned in stunning fashion with their latest LP, Songs of Innocence, following their performance at the Apple event on Sept 9.


With the click of a button during iPhone 6 and Apple Watch media event in Cupertino, California, U2’s 13th album and first in five years was automatically pushed to over 500 million iTunes accounts around the world.

在iPhone 6与Apple Watch在美国加州库比蒂诺的发布会上,U2的第13张专辑,也是近五年来的首张专辑,也通过“按一个神奇发送按钮”,自动推送进全球超过5亿iTunes用户的账户中。

So there it is, in the books. “The largest album release of all time,” according to Apple CEO Tim Cook.


For a band that’s been active for more than 30 years, you have to hand it to Bono and his crew for still being able to push the envelope at this stage in their career.


Though Songs of Innocence doesn’t cost a dime, should you bother clicking a few buttons on iTunes to get it? Well of course, but don’t expect the record to be as breathtaking as U2 at its best.


苹果Iphone 6发布会上使用歌曲背后的故事

Looking up


Named after the first of a two-volume William Blake poetry collection, the album is filled with openly autobiographical songs in which band members talk about their personal view of life, hope, loss, fear and newfound resolve.


The album may not provide that miracle moment or have instant ear-grabbers like greatest hits Beautiful Day and Vertigo, but it’s filled with typical Bono buzzwords, and the lyrics are as transcendent as ever.


“You can’t return to where you’ve never left,” Bono sings in the hometown ode Cedarwood Road. “I’ve got your life inside of me,” Bono croons, internalizing a mother’s wisdom in Iris (Hold Me Close).


Lyrics like that — or Cedarwood Road’s “A heart that is broken is a heart that is open” — makes Songs of Innocence a perfect title for U2’s latest. Some might argue that those lines are simply naive, or the band should expand their themes, but this is the perspective of a cynic. Returning to that place of innocence is a conscious choice for U2, and it’s in this realm that the album finds its strength.


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