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双语:英国女王年近90 清晨遛马休闲惬意

Video footage of the Queen enjoying one of her early morning horse rides has surfaced in which she cuts a relaxed figure as she trots out the gates of her Balmoral estate.清晨骑马是英女王的一项日常娱乐活动。日前,游客拍

 Video footage of the Queen enjoying one of her early morning horse rides has surfaced in which she cuts a relaxed figure as she trots out the gates of her Balmoral estate.


双语:英国女王年近90 清晨遛马休闲惬意

Despite approaching 90 years of age she proves old habits die hard, as she is filmed exiting the property before a saluting police officer and the surprised tourist who filmed it.


The Queen's daily horse rides started at the age of four and much of her private life is still spent indulging in her passion for all things equine.


The video was taken by a tourist visiting the area with his wife and children about two weeks ago.


Although guards told him he was unlikely to spot the Queen, he got a big surprise to see her emerge from the estate only seconds later.


As well as daily rides, she has been a racehorse owner for more than 60 years, breeds Highland ponies and hosts the annual Royal Windsor Horse show at Windsor every year.


In the video she can be seen exiting the gates of her 50,000 acre estate in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, alongside a groom.


She is wearing her usual riding get-up of a green silk scarf over her head, a light brown jacket and jodhpurs - an outfit now synonymous with her royal rides.


As the two turn right to continue their ride, she waves on a passing motorist who has stopped to let them pass.


Balmoral Estate has been in the hands of the Royal Family since Queen Victoria fell in love with the property and bought it in 1852.


While it is open to the public and tourists for parts of the year, it is closed off at the end of July to accommodate the Queen and the Royal Family's annual summer holiday. It is at Balmoral where the Queen indulges in her love of horse riding while the princes are able to hunt.


Although the Queen no longer rides as regularly as she once did, due in part to a niggling knee injury, she still likes to ride smaller fell ponies, a versatile working breed renowned for their steady temperament.


Her love for horses was born when she was given her first horse, a Shetland pony named Peggy, at age four.


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