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中国版《罗密欧与朱丽叶》登陆国家剧院The stage drama Romeo and Juliet is being shown at the National Theatre of China in Beijing. Its dedicated to the 450th anniversary of William Shakespeare, and has been well received a


The stage drama "Romeo and Juliet" is being shown at the National theatre of China in Beijing. It’s dedicated to the 450th anniversary of William Shakespeare, and has been well received at the Hong Kong Arts Festival.

The stage drama "Romeo and Juliet" is being shown at the National Theatre

of China in Beijing.

This may look light years away from the classic drama "Romeo and Juliet", but its director Tian Qingxin says it stays true to the character of Shakespeare, while putting the story in a Chinese context.

"I wanted to express an European understanding of love. True love is not mundane, it seeks no material gain and is not bound by the social status of the lovers. This is love in its truest form, no strings attached," said Tian.

The stage drama "Romeo and Juliet" is being

shown at the National Theatre of China in Beijing.

Actor Li Guangjie and actress Yin Tao star as Romeo and Juliet. The youthful energy of their characters is expressed through rich body language and singing. Their performance is the quintessential embodiment of young lives taken over by courageous love.

"I think its a great expression of true love! Watching a fresh adaptation of a classic play is very inspiring," said an audience member.

The show will be staged 8 more times at the National Theatre of China from the 13th of March through to the 22nd, but will take a night off on the 17th. So come and check it out before it’s too late.

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