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1. It is universally acknowledged that... 全世界都认为...

2. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that... 有越来越多的证据表明...

3. The argument that... has gained considerable traction in recent years. ...的观点近年来得到了广泛的认同。

4. despite the overwhelming consensus that..., there remains a minority of dissenters who argue that... 尽管...的观点得到了广泛的共识,但仍有少数人持不同意见,他们认为...

5. It is an indisputable fact that... 这是一个无可争议的事实,即...

6. It is high time that... was given due consideration. 现在是时候认真考虑...了。

7. In light of the current situation, it is incumbent upon us to... 鉴于当前情况,我们有责任...

8. It is essential that we address the issue of... at its root. 我们必须从根本上解决...的问题。

9. It is not without reason that... is considered to be... ...之所以被认为是...,并不是没有理由的。

10. There is a compelling argument to be made for the proposition that... 有充分的理由支持...的观点。

11. In the face of such overwhelming evidence, it is difficult to deny that... 面对如此压倒性的证据,很难否认...

12. It is incumbent upon us to take immediate action to... 我们有责任立即采取行动来...

13. The consequences of not... are too severe to be ignored. 如果不...,后果将严重到不能被忽视。

14. It is incumbent upon us to foster a culture of... 我们有责任培养...的文化。

15. The notion that... is gaining momentum in the public consciousness. ...的观点正在公众意识中逐渐流行。

16. It is high time that we acknowledged the impact of... on our society. 现在是时候承认...对我们社会的影响了。

17. The argument that... has gained considerable traction in recent years. ...的观点近年来得到了广泛的认同。

18. Despite the overwhelming consensus that..., there remains a minority of dissenters who argue that... 尽管...的观点得到了广泛的共识,但仍有少数人持不同意见,他们认为...

19. It is an indisputable fact that... 这是一个无可争议的事实,即...

20. It is high time that... was given due consideration. 现在是时候认真考虑...了。

21. In light of the current situation, it is incumbent upon us to... 鉴于当前情况,我们有责任...

22. It is essential that we address the issue of... at its root. 我们必须从根本上解决...的问题。

23. It is not without reason that... is considered to be... ...之所以被认为是...,并不是没有理由的。

24. There is a compelling argument to be made for the proposition that... 有充分的理由支持...的观点。

25. In the face of such overwhelming evidence, it is difficult to deny that... 面对如此压倒性的证据,很难否认...

26. It is incumbent upon us to take immediate action to... 我们有责任立即采取行动来...

27. The consequences of not... are too severe to be ignored. 如果不...,后果将严重到不能被忽视。

28. It is incumbent upon us to foster a culture of... 我们有责任培养...的文化。

29. The notion that... is gaining momentum in the public consciousness. ...的观点正在公众意识中逐渐流行。

30. It is high time that we acknowledged the impact of... on our society. 现在是时候承认...对我们社会的影响了。

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