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315晚会曝光,卖5万多元的听花酒专利并未被认定。下面请看相关双语报道。An expensive alcoholic drink named Tinghua has been removed from some major e-commerce platforms, after China's national broadcaster accused the company on Friday of fraudulent adverti


An expensive alcoholic drink named Tinghua has been removed from some major e-commerce platforms, after China's national broadcaster accused the company on Friday of fraudulent advertising.


The State-run broadcaster China central Television exposed the brand on the 315 Gala, which is an annual show that focuses on people's livelihoods and consumer's rights, with issues such as food safety and internet scams highlighted. The show is usually held on March 15: World Consumer Rights Day.


According to the 315 Gala, Tinghua liquor, which is headquartered in the southwestern province of Sichuan, has been available since 2020, at prices that range from 5,860 yuan ($815) a bottle to as much as 58,600 yuan, depending on the alcohol content and packaging.


The company claims in advertisements the liquor has anti-aging and anti-cancer properties and can be used to protect the cardiovascular system, improve sexual performance, and relieve anxiety.


The company also claims in advertisements it has applied for international patents for the alcohol and mint extracts contained in the liquor, to protect its copyright for the claimed healthcare uses.


CCTV said the company's claims about the liquor violates the nation's laws on food safety and advertising, with the food safety law requiring food-related products to be marketed without false or fraudulent information related to disease prevention or treatment. The nation's advertising laws also call for liquor and wine-related products to be marketed without any claims that they can relieve anxiety or improve physical strength.

中央电视台表示,该公司关于这种酒的说法违反了国家的食品安全法和广告法,食品安全法要求食品相关产品在市场上不得提供与疾病预防或治疗有关的虚假或欺诈性信息。 中国的广告法要求,白酒和与葡萄酒相关的产品在销售时,不得有任何可以缓解焦虑或增强体力的宣传。

Some major e-commerce platforms, including JD and Tabao, stopped allowing sales of Tinghua soon after the exposure.


Sichuan's market regulation department told several local news outlets, including Jiupai News, it was aware of the issue and will be mounting an investigation.



alcoholic drink 酒精饮料

has been 已经

removed from 远离

the company A公司 ; 该公司 ; 合伙人

on Friday 周五 ; 星期五 ; 在星期五 ; 星期几

China Central Television 中国中央电视台

such as 例如 ; ……等 ; 像 ; 像……这样,像……那种 ; 诸如……之类

food safety 食品安全

held on 继续 ; 拉住 ; 坚持下去 ; 不挂断

World Consumer Rights Day 世界消费者权益日 ; 国际消费者权益日 ;

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