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Chinese wood carving has a long history and is one of the traditional arts of China. It is believed that the earliest existing wood carving was completed during the Warring States Period about 3,000 years ago.



中国木雕(wood carving)有着悠久的历史,是中国传统艺术之一。人们认为现存最早的木雕大约是在三千年前的战国时期雕刻完成的。在中国,木雕主要分成三个类别:建筑雕刻、家具雕刻和艺术品雕刻。中国的木雕以其令人印象深刻的细致构造和主题之美受到了全世界的欣赏。今天,我们可以在私人画廊里看到传统木雕,也可以在长江两岸整个区域的宅邸装饰上看到它。


Chinese wood carving has a long history and is one of the traditional arts of China. It is believed that the earliest existing wood carving was completed during the Warring States Period about 3,000 years ago. In China, wood carving is mainly divided into three categories: architectural carving, furniture carving, and artwork carving. Chinese wood carving is admired by the world for its impressive detailed structure and beauty of theme. Today, we can see traditional wood carving in private galleries and also on the decorations of mansions throughout the region on both sides of the Yangtze River.


1、对于“中国木雕(wood carving)有着悠久的历史,是中国传统艺术之一”的翻译,译文“Chinese wood carving has a long history and is one of the traditional arts of China”准确地传达了原文的意思,语言流畅自然,符合英文表达习惯。

2、对于“人们认为现存最早的木雕大约是在三千年前的战国时期雕刻完成的”的翻译,译文“It is believed that the earliest existing wood carving was completed during the Warring States Period about 3,000 years ago”同样准确地传达了原文的含义,没有出现理解错误或表达不清的情况。

3、对于“在中国,木雕主要分成三个类别:建筑雕刻、家具雕刻和艺术品雕刻”的翻译,译文“In China, wood carving is mainly divided into three categories: architectural carving, furniture carving, and artwork carving”清晰明了地列出了木雕的三个主要类别,用词准确,符合英文表达习惯。

4、对于“中国的木雕以其令人印象深刻的细致构造和主题之美受到了全世界的欣赏”的翻译,译文“Chinese wood carving is admired by the world for its impressive detailed structure and beauty of theme”充分表达了原文的意思,将“令人印象深刻的细致构造和主题之美”翻译为“impressive detailed structure and beauty of theme”,用词准确,表述清晰。

5、对于“今天,我们可以在私人画廊里看到传统木雕,也可以在长江两岸整个区域的宅邸装饰上看到它”的翻译,译文“Today, we can see traditional wood carving in private galleries and also on the decorations of mansions throughout the region on both sides of the Yangtze River”很好地传达了原文的信息,语言流畅自然,没有出现语法错误或语义不清的情况。

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