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1、the 24 hour clock 24小时制例句:The 24-hour clock is used in many countries. 24小时制在许多国家都使用。


1、the 24 hour clock 24小时制


The 24-hour clock is used in many countries. 24小时制在许多国家都使用。

The 24-hour clock makes it easy to tell the time in any part of the day. 24小时制使得在一天中的任何时间都能轻易地看时间。

2、wash away 冲走


The heavy rain washed away the foundations of the house. 大雨冲毁了房子的地基。

The river washed away the bridge in the flood. 河流在洪水时冲走了桥。

3、run away 逃跑


He ran away from the police station. 他从警察局逃跑了。

She ran away from home when she was young. 她年轻时从家里逃跑了。

4、take away 带走


She took away all her belongings when she left. 她离开时带走了所有的东西。

The thief took away the money from the store. 小偷从商店里拿走了钱。

5、before long 不久


Before long, they found a new job. 不久,他们找到了新工作。

Before long, the children were fast asleep. 不一会儿,孩子们就进入了梦乡。

6、long before/ago 很久以前


Long before/ago, people used fire to cook food. 很久以前,人们用火来烹饪食物。

Long before/ago, the earth was very different from what it is today. 很久以前,地球与现在大不相同。

7、for long =for a long time 长期


They have been friends for a long time. 他们成为朋友已经很久了。

He has lived in this city for a long time. 他在这个城市住了很久了。

8、no longer = not...any longer 不再

例句1: I no longer smoke. 我再也不抽烟了。

例句2: He no longer lives in that house. 他再也不住那所房子了。

9、more or less 大约,或多或少


I am more or less ready. 我差不多准备好了。

The work is more or less finished. 这项工作差不多完成了。

10、more than 多于,超过


She has more than a hundred books. 她有一百多本书。

He has more than enough money. 他有足够的钱。

11、every year 每年


We go on vacation every year. 我们每年都去度假。

She goes to the dentist every year. 她每年都去看牙医。

12、every four years 每隔四年


The Olympic Games are held every four years. 奥运会每四年举行一次。

The presidential election is held every four years. 总统选举每四年举行一次。

13、every other day 每隔一天


I wash my hair every other day. 我每隔一天洗一次头。

She goes to the gym every other day. 她每隔一天去一次健身房。

14、everyday English/life 日常英语/生活

例句1: We should learn some everyday English. 我们应该学一些日常英语。

例句2: They enjoy their everyday life in the countryside. 他们享受在乡村的日常生活。

15、next to 紧挨着

例句1: The restaurant is next to the post office. 餐厅紧挨着邮局。

例句2: The bookstore is next to the library. 书店紧挨着图书馆。

16、next door 隔壁,邻居

例句1: Our neighbor lives next door. 我们的邻居住在隔壁。

例句2: They moved to a new house next door. 他们搬到隔壁的新房子里了。

17、next year 明年

例句1: I am going to travel next year. 我明年要去旅行。

例句2: The new building will be completed next year. 新大楼明年将完工。

18、next time 下次

例句1: Next time you come over, we can watch a movie. 下次你来的时候,我们可以一起看电影。

例句2: Next time you visit your grandparents, bring them some flowers. 下次你去看望祖父母时,给他们带些花。

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