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1、Be famous for 因...著名 例句:The city is famous for its beautiful beaches and warm climate. 这个城市因美丽的海滩和温暖的气候而著名。


1、Be famous for 因...著名

例句:The city is famous for its beautiful beaches and warm climate. 这个城市因美丽的海滩和温暖的气候而著名。

2、Be excited about +n./V-ing 对…感到兴奋

例句:I am excited about the upcoming holiday. 我对即将到来的假期感到兴奋。

3、Be interested in 对…感兴趣

例句:She is interested in learning new languages. 她对学习新语言感兴趣。

4、Be born 出生

例句:I was born in a small town in the countryside. 我出生在农村的一个小镇上。

5、Be busy with sth.=be busy doing sth. 忙于…

例句:She is busy with her work, so she doesn't have time for her hobbies. 她忙于工作,所以没有时间做业余爱好。

6、Be amazed at 对...感到惊讶

例句:We were amazed at the beautiful scenery in the mountains. 我们被山中的美丽景色所惊叹。

7、move away 移开

例句:The cat moved away from the fireplace to avoid getting burned. 猫从壁炉边移开,以免被烫伤。

8、move to 搬 移到

例句:They are planning to move to a new house in the suburbs. 他们计划搬到郊区的新房子里。

9、search the Internet 上网

例句:I often search the Internet for information about different topics. 我经常上网查找不同主题的信息。

10、make sure 确信

例句:Make sure you check your homework before submitting it. 确保在提交之前检查你的作业。

11、make a dialogue 编对话

例句:We were asked to make a dialogue for our English class. 我们被要求为英语课编写一段对话。

12、make a mistake 犯错误

例句:We all make mistakes, but it's important to learn from them. 我们都会犯错误,但重要的是要从错误中吸取教训。

13、by mistake 错误地

例句:I accidentally poured water on the floor by mistake. 我不小心把水倒在了地板上。

14、make a noise 吵闹

例句:The children were making a lot of noise in the playground. 孩子们在操场上吵闹。

15、make faces 做鬼脸

例句:She makes faces whenever she is not happy about something. 每当她对某事不满时,她就会做鬼脸。

16、make friends with 和...交朋友

例句:It's easy to make friends with outgoing and friendly people. 和开朗友好的人交朋友很容易。

17、make room for 给...让地方

例句:Please make room for the elderly on the bus. 请给公交车上的老人让地方。

18、make tea 沏茶

例句:After a long day at work, I like to make myself a cup of tea and relax. 工作一整天后,我喜欢给自己泡杯茶放松一下。

19、make money 赚钱

例句:Many people work hard to make money to support their families. 很多人努力工作赚钱来养家糊口。

20、make a decision 作出决定

例句:Before making a decision, it's important to consider all the options. 在作出决定之前,考虑所有的选择是很重要的。

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