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由国家语言资源监测与研究中心、商务印书馆等单位联合主办的“汉语盘点2023”活动近日在京揭晓2023“年度字词”,年度国内字为“振”,年度国内词为“高质量发展”。The Chinese character zhen, meaning "vitalize", was named the nation's most popular character rela


The Chinese character zhen, meaning "vitalize", was named the nation's most popular character related to domestic affairs this year, while the character wei, meaning "risk" or "crisis", was chosen as the hottest for international topics. The characters are among a list of popular words, as well as phrases, collected in an annual assessment organized by agencies including the Ministry of Education's National language Resources Monitoring and research center and the Commercial press publishing house.


Organizers explained that "vitalize" represents an upward trend and a gesture of trying to make an effort, and that's the spirit one should have, whether it's a country or an individual, when facing challenges and obstacles.


Meanwhile, it pointed out that internationally, the world's path has come to a crossroads amid wars and conflicts, sluggish economies, a widening gap of development and a worsening environment. Organizers called for looking for opportunities hidden in the crises, and using dialogue and cooperation to handle differences in order to build a fair, better world.


In addition to characters, gaozhiliang fazhan, or high-quality development, was chosen as the key domestic phrase of the year, while ChatGPT was named the annual phrase in international topics.


This year marked the 18th time for such a list to be published. Over the last month, the same organizers also revealed the top 10 popular phrases, online catchphrases and new words.



Chinese character 汉字

the nation 国家 ; 民族

domestic affairs 国内事务;家事

this year 今年

a list of 一列 ; 一栏 ; 一张……的清单

as well as 以及,既…又…,除…之外,此外

Ministry of Education 教育部 ; 中华人民共和国教育部 ; 文部省 ; 教育厅 ; 新加坡教育部

National Language 民族语言 ; 国语 ; 国家语言 ; 国文

Research Center 研究中心 ; 研究所 ; 科研中心

publishing house 出版社 ; 出版公司


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