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1.朝代 dynastyDuring the Ming dynasty, the Great Wall was rebuilt. 明朝时期,长城得到了重建。2.历史学家 historianThe historian used primary sources to document the event. 这位历史学家使用了原始资料来记录这次事件。

1.朝代 dynasty

During the Ming dynasty, the Great Wall was rebuilt. 明朝时期,长城得到了重建。

2.历史学家 historian

The historian used primary sources to document the event. 这位历史学家使用了原始资料来记录这次事件。

3.文献记载 literary record

The literary record of the event is stored in the library. 该事件的文献记载被保存在图书馆里。

4.文化 heritage

The country's cultural heritage is rich and diverse. 这个国家的文化遗产丰富而多元。

5.传统习俗 tradition custom

The tradition custom of the ethnic group was handed down through generations. 这个民族的传统习俗被传承了下来。

6.历史遗址 historical site

The historical site is located in the center of the city. 这个历史遗址位于市中心。

7.传记 biography

The biography of the president was published after his death. 总统的传记在他去世后出版了。

8.史前史 prehistory

Archaeologists studied prehistory through the discovery of fossils. 考古学家通过发现化石来研究史前史。

9.历史性里程碑 historic milestone

The agreement was a historic milestone in relations between the two countries. 该协议是两国关系中的一个历史性里程碑。

10.古迹 monument

The ancient monument was built to commemorate the king. 这座古迹是为纪念那位国王而建的。

11.碑文 inscription

The inscription on the monument was worn away by time. 纪念碑上的碑文因时间久远而磨损了。

12.考古学 archaeology

The archaeologist studied the ancient civilization using scientific methods. 这位考古学家使用科学的方法来研究古代文明。

13.博物馆 museum

The exhibits in the museum were well-preserved. 该博物馆的展品保存完好。

14.纪念品 souvenir .The souvenir shop sold gifts to tourists. 这家纪念品商店向游客出售礼品。

15.年份 dating

The dating of the ancient artifacts is still controversial. 这些古代工艺品的年代仍然存在争议。

16.古代文明 ancient civilization

The study of ancient civilizations has provided much information about the past. 对古代文明的研究提供了很多关于过去的信息。

17.文化交流 cultural exchange

The cultural exchange between the two countries has increased significantly in recent years. 近年来,两国之间的文化交流显著增加。

18.思想体系 ideological system

The ideological system of Confucianism has had a深远的影响 on Chinese culture. 儒家的思想体系对中国文化产生了深远的影响。

19.宗法制度 patriarchal clan system

The patriarchal clan system was common in ancient China. 宗法制度在古代中国很常见。

20.封建制度 feudal system

The feudal system was prevalent during the Middle Ages. 封建制度在中世纪非常普遍。





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